Chapter 59

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I was converting backup files when Shim Won-jun knocked on the door with a pale face. His eyes were dull, as if he should have stayed home but came to the office instead. He looked at me with droopy eyes, his mask pulled up under his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Shim Won-jun shook his head.

"My head keeps ringing. What if I die from this? I wonder if it qualifies for industrial accident compensation."

He turned his head and coughed. He said he had been feeling chilly since last night and it got significantly worse this morning. He couldn't take a leave on the day itself, so he somehow made it to work, but as soon as he clocked in, he felt as if all his energy had been drained.

Seeing Shim Won-jun constantly coughing and looking like he was on his last legs, the CEO, unable to stand it anymore, told him to go home. But Shim Won-jun stayed at his desk, saying that if PD Yang Ji-woon or PD Kim Myung-hyuk had told him to go, he would have, but since it was the CEO who said it, he felt he couldn't leave.

"Just go. The CEO told you to go, right?"

Shim Won-jun sighed and handed over his card.

"The CEO told me to go, but the PD asked me to run an errand."

"Oh dear."

"Can I ask you a favor? I don't think I can go outside."

Shim Won-jun lowered his shoulders with an apologetic face. I took the card from him and patted his shoulder.

"I'll go for you. What is it?"

This time, Shim Won-jun clasped his hands together with a crying face.

"Thank you so much. You're the only one I can rely on, Sol-i."

□ ■ □

The errand turned out to be buying coffee. Four Americanos, four lattes. Grateful it wasn't nine drinks, I carried a four-cup carrier in each hand and walked on. As I walked down the path sparsely planted with landscaping trees, someone stood next to me and snatched the carrier from my hand. It was Seon-jae. My mouth fell open. I quickly looked around and reached out my hand.

"Hey, give it back."

"It looked heavy."

My face flushed with embarrassment. I widened my eyes and furrowed my brow, signaling him to hand it over quickly. Seon-jae pouted as if to say he was just trying to help. I almost rolled my eyes in disbelief. No one was around to hear, but I spoke in a hushed voice.

"Just give it back."

"I'll carry it as far as you're going."

This is driving me crazy.

"What if someone sees? Give it back now."

I snatched the carrier from Seon-jae's hand and hurried away. Seon-jae grumbled from behind, saying that it's okay to help someone out. But I didn't look back and quickened my pace.

Ryu Seon-jae, what are you doing? Didn't you say to be careful?

Feeling like Seon-jae was still following me, I walked faster and eventually ran.

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When I arrived at the office, the carriers were a mess, and I felt dismayed. PD Kim Myung-hyuk opened the lid and came over, complaining that half of the Americanos were gone, asking what this was all about. He said it would be one thing if I had done this, but if the cafe served them like this, there was a problem. It seemed like he was just saying this for me to hear. I bowed my head and apologized, saying it was my fault for running, and PD Kim Myung-hyuk shook his head and walked away.

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