Chapter 66

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I headed to the kitchen on my knees. Sitting down in front of the refrigerator, I opened the door and pulled out a bottle of water. I twisted the cap off and gulped down the entire bottle. I was thirsty and my mouth felt dry from all the alcohol I had consumed. I screwed the cap back on and lay down on the floor. I slammed the open refrigerator door shut with my foot and rolled over, resting my cheek on the warm floor where the boiler's heat had passed through.

"I'm going to die."

I breathed out harshly, my hair falling across my face. I lay on my cheek on the kitchen floor and looked into the living room. The place where I had sat and laid with Sunjae was empty.

"I miss you."

On my knees, too weak to walk, I called out for Siri.

"Siri, Siri!"

- I called.

"Send a message to Sunjae Ryu."

- I can't find Sunjae Ryu in my contacts. Who do you want me to send it to?

I'd forgotten I'd saved Sunjae's name differently, just in case.

"Second-hand country seller."

- What should I say?

What to say, I thought of Sunjae.

"I miss you, Sunjae."

- The master's message to the second-hand seller reads: Bogosipo Sunjae. Do you want to send it?


- I sent the message.

It's a nice world.

I lay down with my arms spread wide and looked at the ceiling.

"Siri, play some music."

The warmth of the floor warmed my body. Even if it wasn't a boiler, my drunken body was already hot enough. I squirmed and pulled off the sweater I was wearing. I turned onto my side and rested my cheek on the floor again.

"In my sorrow, I have to erase the scars," blared from my cell phone's speaker. It was a song I'd listened to often since I learned that the pocket watch would return to the present when it reached three o'clock. I hadn't paid much attention to the lyrics, but they caught my ear. It was one of the songs I had chosen as my favorite songs for Sunjae's question on the Gamgam Bridge. I hadn't realized how much the lyrics would resonate with me.

- I may regret leaving your side now, but I love you.

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