Epilogue Episode 5

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I poured myself another drink and sent a message to Sonjae.


I knew it was time to go to bed. I immediately put my phone in my pocket and grabbed the chilled meat.

Returned home and drank a little more. I grabbed two cans of beer from the fridge and went up to the roof to enjoy the night view. When I emptied one can, the fever rose slightly. I felt the heat on my cheek. My heart beats a little faster to see if the alcohol is rising.

When I go into the latest call, there is a call to Sunjae in the 7th row. 1:30 p.m. This was our last conversation today. When he presses Sonjae's name, he moves on to the call. I grabbed my cell phone and waited for Sonjae.

"I don't take it."

Today, I missed Sonje a lot. I wanted to fall asleep talking to Sunjae about what had happened today. I'm still stuck in today, and I know that Sonje has already moved from there to tomorrow. That's why. The reason why Sonje doesn't answer the phone.

I grabbed the rest of my beer and walked into the house. I poured the remaining beer into the sink and it hurt the tip of my head. I felt like I had a hole in my heart.

There was such a day. On days when I couldn't see him, I would want to keep his back by my side. That was the case today. When I missed him but couldn't even reach his voice, I felt a sense of loneliness because the distance was real.

When I say 'hello', I feel like Sonjae's greeting goes around the earth and reaches me. I haven't thought about the replies that arrive when I forget what I said, the pre-existence that doesn't answer half of the time when I call, the face-to-face faces every few weeks, and the birthdays and anniversaries that I can't spend together. I knew it in my head, but I couldn't get it out of my heart. The love that I dreamed of and longed for is not the same as ours.

"I've missed you so much today."

He stared blankly at the unread sign, then flipped his phone over.

□ ■ □

Kwon Eun-chan appeared with a mat and something. I thought we were going to walk a little while to meet at the Han River or eat ramen at a convenience store, but it seemed like we were going to have a grand feast of our own. Kwon Eun-chan, who shakes the mat and spreads it on the floor, takes off his shoes and sits down. As soon as he sits down, his cell phone rings to answer the call, and he tilts his head out and looks around.

"Huh? Are you here already? Here we go!"

I roughly put my foot in the shoes I had just taken off and shouted, "Sister! I'll get you the chicken!" and runs somewhere. I don't know when you ordered the chicken again. Our Eunchan is so diligent.......

I sat down on the mat and looked inside the plastic bag Kwon Eun-chan had brought with me. It contained four cans of beer and a bag of onion rings. When I saw that, I burst out laughing. He said he would thank him for taking care of him when he was out of his way last time, and he bought another drink, and he was a college student who had been eating and hanging out without hesitation.

When he pulls out a can of beer and opens it, Kwon Eun-chan walks over yelling, "Let's drink together!"

"Sister, I was so sorry last time. I'll give up my precious chicken legs."

Kwon Eun-chan says, handing me a chicken leg.

"That's two chicken legs."

Grabbing one of the remaining chicken legs, Kwon Eun-chan's eyes widen.

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