Special Side Story Episode 1 [Marriage Announcement

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[Exclusive] Potato Jeon Ryu Seon-jae secretly married a non-celebrity of the same age who met for 8 years today!

[Full article] Idol singer Potato Sen member Ryu Sun-jae is getting married. Before making the official announcement through his agency, Ryu Sun-jae posted a handwritten letter on his social media to directly announce the news of his marriage. The bride is a non-celebrity of the same age and has been in a relationship since high school. It is rumored that the anthem will be performed by Potato Jeon, and the emcee will be Baek In-hyuk, a member of the group. The ceremony will be held on a small scale with only relatives invited and will be held privately in consideration of the bride, who is a member of the public.

The article popped up. Sonjae's marriage had been officially announced. Fans knew about the news even before the news came out because they posted a handwritten letter on social media, and in fact, even before the announcement, Sonjae's romance was a foregone conclusion, so it seemed that not many fans were surprised by the news of the marriage.

"What are you so nervous about?"

I wasn't getting married right away, I just announced the news, but I was ridiculously nervous that I would be mentioned as a "non-celebrity", "bride-to-be", or "friend of the same age" in the articles that came up every time I refreshed.

I was eating leftover chicken from yesterday, and for some reason I felt sick to my stomach.

"Oh, now is not the time for chicken."

After clearing the table and sorting the garbage, I went into my room and lay down on the bed.

A few seconds after I got into bed, I picked up my phone and opened the internet window again.

Then, with a finger that trembled a little, he typed in Sonjae's name. As soon as I searched, I saw more articles and posts than before.

I was curious, so I clicked on the topic I searched for and didn't peruse it, just the title. There were pictures of different sons in the titles.

As I was holding on to my phone, I kept looking at the article about Ryu Seon-jae's marriage, and I felt like it wasn't good for my mental health to have fifty thousand worries when nothing happened.

"Oh, I'm going to stop looking. I can't."

I put my phone under my pillow and went out into the living room to turn on the television. If I didn't control it like this, I would have an unhealthy time.

My name hasn't been made public, and my photos aren't circulating, so what bothers me so much and makes my heart feel heavy.

The fact that Sonjae, who has a lot of similarities to me, was in front of the public seemed surprising at this moment.

I grabbed the remote control and turned the channel. After going through music broadcasting, dramas, and variety shows, he stopped at documentaries.

"I'll have to see this."

I let go of the remote control and lay down on the couch.

It was a documentary about the ecosystem of Antarctica. I cried a little when I saw the sea creatures that inhabit Antarctica and the disappearing glaciers.

I looked at the penguins standing on the broken ice, searched for carbon emission reductions, and fell asleep by the end of the documentary.

Perhaps he had fallen asleep, but his eyes were suddenly opened by the sound of the door lock being pressed against him.

"...... Uh."

Unknowingly, I hold the remote control that fell on the floor like a weapon in one hand and look at the front door, and the person who opens the door is Seonjae.

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