Chapter 60

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On the way home after buying a can of beer, my cell phone vibrated. He moved the plastic bag he was holding in his right hand to his left and took out his cell phone. A smile spread across my face when I saw the caller.


- Chun baek, where are you?

"I'm home. "We're almost there."

- Do you have any plans today?

"Huh. doesn't exist."

The words "Oh, there isn't one" came over the phone. I walked down an alley where the streetlights were unusually bright. The orange light softly illuminated the night road. This was the path I ran with Seon-jae while carrying a bath basket.

That day, Seon-jae was hesitating whether to call me or not and said that he sent me a message first because he was worried that if I didn't answer the phone, his number would be left in the call list as missed. The message is 'Kim Chun-baek. 'Do you still not know how to answer the phone?' So, he was going to call me when he got a reply. But instead of answering right away, I got a call from my number, and I thought my heart was dropping. Seonjae told me about that day. I was so surprised that I calmed down my voice and answered the phone. I saw on the phone that the student's name was Chunbaek! Student Chunbaek has collapsed now! While doing so, an urgent voice came over me without warning.

When I heard the story and burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation, Seonjae said in a serious voice that it was not something to laugh about, and expressed how surprised he was. When he heard that, he said, okay, I won't laugh, but the smile that had already spread on his face didn't leave. Ever since I started dating Seonjae, the phrase "cute Seonjae" kept coming to my mind. Cute Ryu Seon-jae.

- I want to see you.


It was time to get out of the radius of the streetlights.

- We haven't seen each other properly since we started dating.

"Oh, that's right."

― Kim Chun-baek keeps refusing to meet people just because they see him.

"Hey, when did I... ...."

The voice gradually got louder. She added, "There's no harm in being careful."

-What number is it?


- Your address.

I stopped. This was the entrance where Seonjae stood without going.

"My house? "Will you come?"

- If you say you can come.

oh my god... ....

I stood still and looked at the empty alley. Seonjae is coming home. He didn't ask to come, and it wasn't confirmed that he would come, but his heart was pounding. I should have answered, but the words didn't come out easily. What should I say? Was the house clean? No, more than that, is it really okay for Seonjae to come? No, but if I were to see Seonjae somewhere other than at home, where would I be able to see him? Actually, home is the safest. Imsol, what are you thinking about right now?

Perhaps strange that there was no answer, Seonjae called my name. It was to check whether the call was disconnected.

― Lim Sol.


-Why aren't you answering?

"ah... ... No, I was thinking."

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