Chapter 62

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Dating rumors broke out about the singer who debuted through an audition program two years ago. A member of an idol group who appeared as a panelist on the program at the time was mentioned as an opponent. It was reported that the two were attracted to each other during the filming of the program and began dating in earnest after the program ended.

Unfortunately, I placed third in the audition program and did not make it to the final stage, but since then, I have sung OSTs for various dramas and movies, and some of my songs have even entered the charts.

The comments on the article weren't crazy. After crying and saying that he wanted to achieve his dream, the majority of the ridicule was, "Did you go looking for a lover?" In the past, when dating rumors broke out, I used to think, "Oh, I guess so," but this time, it didn't feel like anything else. I was wondering how on earth this photo was taken, and the reporter's obsession with the angle of the photo was both amazing and absurd.

"It finally exploded."

Shim Won-jun, who was looking at an article on his cell phone with a straw in his mouth, said. He sat blankly with his hands between his legs and then raised his gaze.

"Did you know?"

Shim Won-jun held a straw, stirred the ice, and raised his head.

"Are you two dating?"

I pursed my lips and nodded.

"If you're on this floor, you know everything through hearsay."

"By rumors? "Does that kind of thing work?"

I asked because I was surprised, but Shim Won-jun seemed to think I was interested, so I leaned forward and sat down.

"There are a few eyes and a few mouths on this floor. Do celebrities travel alone? There is more than one staff member. What is one person? How many people move around, and if there are a lot of people, they move around with several cars."

"Oh, that's... ... Yes."

Do people around Seonjae know? I suddenly became worried.

"Hwang Gak-soo, contrary to his image as a boy, he is a total loser. "I heard you smoke like that in the van."

"ah... ... ."

"It's the same as when we criticize people at work. "If the celebrity they are managing has a bad personality, they will grab someone they know and complain and whine about how difficult it is."

The face became increasingly dark. I didn't care about her celebrity personality. The only thing I was worried about was whether Seonjae's name was one of the many rumors, whether it was being passed around from someone's mouth.

Shim Won-Jun looked at me, resting his chin and lifting his fingers.

"Sol-i, do you have a favorite celebrity? "She looks very worried."


I focused my blank eyes and looked at Sim Wonjun's face.

"But this is just a rumor."

I looked at Shim Won-jun with a dark face and an expression that looked like he was about to cry.

"If everything that goes around as a rumor becomes an article, the pages won't be able to handle it. "Dating rumors really aren't as big a deal as you think."

"... ... Really?"

Shim Wonjun nodded.

"Most of the time, if one of the two is top, has been in a relationship for a long time, or there is some big issue, it explodes. "If the agency blocks it, it won't happen."

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