Epilogue Episode 3

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[Don't keep chewing on me.......]

[Sis, you know I'm off work tomorrow, right?]

[You know your boyfriend has plans tonight so you're not meeting him?]

[No, I'm not screwing you, I live here, I just want you to meet him, please].

When I checked my phone after the meeting, I found several messages. All of them were from Kwon Eun-chan, asking me to be his drinking buddy today. He confessed to me a few days ago and got dumped, but apparently the after-effects are lingering. I felt sorry for him, so I typed a reply and sent him a message.

["I'm buying the drinks. I'm getting off work soon, so take a cab and fly over.]

As soon as I sent the message, I received a reply.

[It's Imsol after all. ( ˘ ³˘) ♡ ]

[Already in the company lobby].

I looked at the message on my phone and laughed at the absurdity of it.I wrapped up my work, packed my things, and headed downstairs. As I shoved the employee ID card I'd been wearing around my neck all day into my bag, I looked around and saw Kwon Eun-chan standing in the lobby waving at me.

"When the hell did you get here?"

"I didn't wait that long, han...... two hours?"

I stare at him open-mouthed, and he smirks and shows me my phone, which is still overheating. It's in low power mode with 2% battery left.

"You've leveled up a lot." With his phone in his pocket, Kwon leads the way.

"What's up, where are you going?"

"I finished searching for a restaurant while I was waiting again."

I smirked at the back of Kwon's head as he walked lightly. I was worried that he was depressed and that I shouldn't offer him any comfort, but he looked surprisingly cheerful, so I followed him, thinking I should be glad. He must have been.

"No, he doesn't hate me," I said, "I like you, but I don't know if I like you as a friend or as a man."

After a few drinks, the smirking guy dropped his mask and began to lament."It's not that I don't like you, but if we get into a relationship and then break up, we can't even be friends....... After......."

He dropped his head and sighed loudly as if he was drunk. It was a breath that only a drunk person could spit out. The bangs that covered Kwon Eun-chan's face fluttered in the wind.

"No, Sis."

I patted her on the back, and she raised her head to look at me."Now that I've confessed that I like you, does that mean we can be friends, huh?"

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