Part 34

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You found Tony as he was walking down the hallway with that girl by his side, about to leave the hospital. You rushed down the hallway towards him, angry. "Anthony!" You called, making both of them turn towards you.

The girl looked at Tony with a questioning look.

"We need to talk." You told him.

"Tony, what's going on?" The girl asked.

"Right now, Anthony. I won't wait."You walked into an empty room and Tony immediately went to follow you.

"Wait for me in the car. I'll be there soon, okay?" Tony told the girl.

She nodded before leaving. Tony immediately followed you into the room and closed the door.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow at you.

"What did you do to Alec?" You asked him, watching the smile on his face drop.


"Quit your acting, Anthony. I've seen it. Stay away from him."

"What, you're angry that I screwed up your little boyfriend's face?"

"Stay away from him. I mean it. Try doing it again and I will personally smash your fucking face and break your nose." You told him before you went to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.

"Did you already tell him that, after he admits his feelings for you, which he will by the way, I've seen the way he looks at you, that you will break his heart like you did mine?" He asked you, looking directly into your eyes."Did you tell your little side thing that, or should I do the honors?"

You snatched your arm out of his hold, still looking into his eyes. "Bold of you to assume he's the side thing."

Tony let out a sarcastic laugh. "So, I'm the side thing?"

"Stop it, Anthony." You mumbled out as he lowered his face towards yours, your lips only inches apart.

"Say it again. I like it when you say my name like that. Turns me on." He said.

You leaned your head on one side, looking up at him. "Do you think your new girl would like that?"

Tony pulled away, an annoyed look crossing his features.

"Did you sleep with her already?"

He stayed quiet.

"So, you did." You said, feeling your stomach twist with some unknown feeling, but you knew you couldn't show that you cared. "Stay away from Alec." You told him before you went to walk out of the room, but suddenly it went spinning. You placed a hand against your forehead, trying to maintain your balance, but you couldn't. Before you could fall, Tony wrapped an arm around you and steadied you.

"Woah, careful." He turned you towards himself, taking a look at your face, seeing you started to sweat. "Are you okay?" He asked.

You were quick to get back on your feet and pull away from him. "I'm fine." You said before leaving the room.

You met Amanda at the restaurant, as she asked you to do this morning. You pulled a chair out and sat down. Amanda gestured at the drink and salad she ordered for you. "I ordered for you already. I hope you don't mind."

"What do you want now? I've been giving you enough money." You told her, barely able to keep your eyes open. You could feel your heartbeat speeding up and you could feel the cold sweat forming on your skin.

"It's not about money this time, I promise. I heard he's in the hospital. Can I... Can I go to see him?"

"No." You said without another thought. "He got over you and I don't want you to set him back when his recovery is going well."

"Did you tell him?" She asked you, her eyes wide.

"No. Not yet. He just thinks you packed up your things and left him. He thinks it's because he's sick."

"Not yet? What does that mean?"She asked again.

"I've been thinking of telling him the truth, Amanda. He's going to figure it out eventually. He keeps asking me about Tony-"

"You can't do that, Y/N!" She said. "You can't."

"I know it doesn't benefit you, but it's the right thing to do. You should've thought about the consenquences of your actions before."

She looked away, biting on the inside of her cheek. She turned to you, seeing how you looked.

"Then let me come with you and get my things. There are a couple of things that I left there."

"I guess I could do that." You told her.

When you two arrived back to the mansion, Jane opened the door for you and let you both inside. You turned towards Amanda. "Just pick up the things you're here for. And don't stay any longer than you need to."

"Okay." She said while you turned towards Jane.

"Jane, could you make me a lemonade?"

"Of course." The girl said, disappearing into the kitchen.

Amanda returned to the kitchen a couple of minutes later. She looked at the glass of lemonade placed on the counter before looking at Jane.

"Please, don't touch that." Jane said."That's for Miss Y/N. She'll drink it after her shower." She added as she placed a bottle of pills next to it.

"What is that? Don't tell me my husband is using that, because he's not supposed to-"

"He's not." Jane interrupted her."That's also Miss Y/N's. Don't touch them. I'll be right back."

Amanda glanced at the half empty bottle, then at the glass of lemonade, biting the inside of her cheek in thought. You were going to tell him what happened between Amanda and Tony, and she couldn't have that. She knew what she had to do.

She poured the pills on the counter before crushing them. She made sure there were no big pieces left before she poured the powder that remained into the glass, taking a spoon to stir it and make sure nothing looked out of the ordinary. She closed the bottle and placed it next to the glass, just as she heard footsteps.

You entered the kitchen. "You're still here." You said after noticing Amanda. You looked slightly better now.

Amanda glanced at the glass as you took it and began to drink. She snapped out of her thoughts. "Y-Yeah, I'll go now."

"Fine." You said, watching her leave."Jane, I'm going to my bedroom to sleep. Don't let anybody in."

"Sure, Miss Y/N!"

You smiled at her as she walked back into the kitchen, offering you a small smile before you left.

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