Chapter 71 Waller Meets Amari

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“Ugh!”...... The arms of Rudy Jones suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow. Almost illuminating the entire area like a nightlight.

Zoom froze...... The feeling of having everything sucked out of him was terrifying. Worse still, he couldn't move his body.

At that moment, the Black Flash tried and failed to activate his abilities. Super speed didn't work. Phasing didn't either.

Zoom let out slight choking noises through his mask. He was unable to use his speed to distort his voice anymore, making his sounds more human lol rather than demonic.

The black eyes also reverted to their regular color.

“...... Zoom?...... No..... Hunter......”. The growling voice of Rudy Jones no longer sounded so inhuman. The light in his eyes seemed to reveal the understanding of a regular human being.

The same couldn't be said for his body, though.

The speed force within Zoom's cells were larger than anything he had ever absorbed. The more energy he fed on, the greater his physical changes.

In less than ten seconds, whatever human features he still retained quickly faded away as his body morphed into what looked to be a monstrous purple lizard man.

His hands grew bigger, darker and turned into claws.

“........ You're not from this earth, are you?...... Hehehe... Interesting.....”

Rudy Jones, now more monster than human, chuckled eerily. The continuous hunger that had plagued him for weeks now finally showed signs of being satisfied. Still, despite that feeling, his grip didn't loosen in the slightest.

Rather, he took advantage of his enlarged palms and wrapped Zoom's head in one go, leaving only his eyes vaguely exposed.

Zoom felt the dread of death envelop him. He could feel his physical functions declining rapidly, the current of electricity that always flowed through his veins fading away.

He was losing his speed.

This........ This fact almost made him lose his senses.

Ironic when you think about it. The Dark Flash, self-proclaimed fastest man alive who wiped out every other speedster on his earth, was actually getting his speed sucked away.

How rather tragic.

Rudy didn't care. He was focused on the new sets of memories that appeared on his mind at the moment.

Sifting through them, he saw and learned everything he needed to learn.

Who Zoom was, his abilities, his purpose, where he was from...... And of course......

Spikes suddenly sprouted out of his back as he continued to feed.

“Run!” Seeing the rapid and almost unbelievable plot twist, Michael screamed in utmost fright before running towards the exit.

His companion suddenly snapped back to his senses and ran after him.

Rudy paid them no heed. All it took was a matter of seconds.

Zoom, the greatest speedster of earth two, died full of fear and unwillingness. Worse still, his body was sucked dried, leaving only nothing but a shrivelled corpse left under the super suit.

The now almost four foot tall monster finally let go of the Black Flash after sucking all his life essence. He raised his new three fingered palm and clenched it into a fist.

Arcs of electricity flashed over his body as he felt the new power he had obtained, as well as its usage.

Speed. Wonderful, powerful, extreme speed.

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