34. Monster!!

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Akshu's POV:

The pounding ache in my head felt like someone was hammering away inside. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light of the room, and the stench hit me like a brick wall, making my stomach churn. As I struggled to sit up, I realized my hands were bound behind my back, adding to the panic rising within me.

Finally managing to push myself up, I knew I couldn't just stay here and wait for whatever nightmare awaited me. But before I could even plan my escape, the metallic door creaked open, announcing the arrival of my captors.

"Looks like she's finally awake," one of them grunted, his voice sending shivers down my spine as they approached me with menacing glares.

They exchanged a glance, a silent agreement that sent a wave of dread through me. I desperately tried to avoid their eyes, but it was no use.

With a rough tug, one of them grabbed my arm, his grip so tight it felt like my bones might snap. I couldn't hold back a cry of pain as he yanked me up, his face twisted into a cruel sneer.

"Shut up, Bitch," the other one spat, his words dripping with venom as he raised his hand to strike me. 

The slap echoed through the room, leaving a sharp sting on my cheek and hot tears of humiliation streaming down my face. I felt utterly helpless, trapped in a nightmare with no way out. 

The journey through the dark corridors felt like a descent into the depths of despair. Each step echoed with the weight of my fear, knowing that I was being led closer to the man who held my fate in his hands.

Finally, we reached the opulent office where the boss sat like a king on his throne. His back was facing me. "Boss, she is here.", One of them said and pushed me with so much of force, that I fell near the man feet. He turned his chair and glanced at me. His eyes gleamed with a hunger that sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of revulsion wash over me.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he purred, his voice smooth as silk but laced with a sinister edge. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze raking over me as if I were nothing more than a prized possession.

I squared my shoulders, trying to summon the courage to face him. "Please, let me go," I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper.

But his smile only widened, and I knew that my words had fallen on deaf ears. "Oh, my dear, I'm afraid it's not that simple," he said, his tone dripping with false sympathy. "You see, I have other plans for you."

My heart sank as I realized the depth of my predicament. "Who are you??", I asked because I have never heard of this man from Veeransh or anyone. "Your husband didn't informed you about his biggest rival 'Vidyut Lodha'", he said with so much hate and venom in his voice. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear.

He leaned forward, his eyes burning with a hunger that made my skin crawl. "Your husband... he's been a thorn in my side for far too long," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "But you, my ROSE, you possess a beauty that he could only dream of."

I recoiled at his words, feeling a surge of anger and disgust rise within me. "My husband will be here anytime soon, coming to save me.", I spat, my defiance surprising even myself.

But the boss's smile faltered, replaced by a cold, steely glare. "Just Shut up, Rose!! No one can come here this is my personal Island. You understood. And I'm not letting you go anywhere. You will marry me."

"I won't marry you, Monster.", the anger and disgust I'm feeling for this man is so much. How can he talk about marriage like this. I won't a marry a monster like him. "You will do as I say," he growled, his voice laced with barely contained fury. "You will marry me, and you will do it willingly. Or else..."

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