to the children

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Smiling here and there, Miro was caressing his stomach to make a face has his daughter was moving around, he then turned his head to look to his wife who came about with a giant smile.
"How is our daughter doing?"
"Quite fine. But..... This is the last. Listen, I don't like getting pregnant."
The two then looked down has mita came about to then sit with his husband drixi to laugh a bit.
"Why not?"
Miro rolled his eyes.
"Never wanted to get pregnant, told you all that."
His wife nodded.
"After this one no more. I promise. Having 10 children is enough."
Miro rolled his eyes to then look to mita.
"Are you two going to have any more?"
Mita shook his head to place his hand into drixis.
"No, we have had enough and we just want it to be us."
"You sure?"
Mita shrugged.
"Can't tell the...."
Mita then turned his head to look to his sister civta who had a face.
She groaned to then look to get older brother.
"You look.... Not happy.... What's going on?"
"Um....I saw....our.....ugh I don't want to...."
"Oh you saw them have sex?"
She turned her head to look wide eyed at her younger sister who was the 15th to part her lips.
"Ugh! Why do you ask that so casually?"
She shrugged.
"Sure we have all seen it. Am I wrong?"
Civta looked about has her brothers and sisters nodded.
Miro rolled his eyes.
"Civta its how you've had my nieces and nephews. Sex happens. Those two, to be still in so much love, especially with all that have gone through. It's a miracle."
Civta shrugged to then start to walk off.
Mita and Miro watched her go to then eye the other.
"She's lucky, I believe I watched has they conceived."
Mita lightly laughed.
"Sure we all have seen that. Still it is gross. They really need to go to a more private setting and....."
Mitas eye brow raised for drixi to go to his ear.
"Like you and me?"
Mitas ears started to turn red.
Drixi looked to his half breed the then smile to then use there hands to pull him up for them to hit a bathroom of there own. Tharn and type then came out to fix the other too go forward for type to eye this with an eye brow raised to go to that table.
"Where are they going in such a hurry?"
Miro looked down to his blood cup his wife gave him.
"Too fuck like you two were doing."
Type snapped his head to look over Miro.
Tharn looked type over to wrap an arm about him to keep him stable.
"Type.... Everyone here, except the younger kids, have all had sex. Remember it's a fact of life."
Type still made a face to shake his head.
"I don't want to talk about this."
Miro then looked up to place his hand to his stomach to caress.
"You have changed so much dad but have remained the same." He laughed.
Type rolled his eyes for tharn to place his hand to his for him to then pull him about.
"Let's go and talk to our other children."
Miro watched them go to laugh. His wife couldn't help but to laugh too.
Tharn pulled type about for them to talk to there other children, there grand children and there grand grand children, tharn made sure to keep type away from his father after what happened last time, for them to then start to talk to a few of his family members who were all happy, having kids, talking about there future. Type sat to give his advice here and there for tharn to eye over him to then turn his head to look to his other children to smile, everyone was having a really great time.
Tharn then made a face has he was starting to mentally kick himself, for how he was at the start of all this.
Laughing, type then turned his head to look to his husband to have his face to down a bit, he then placed his hand to his, tharn turned his head to look to him.
"You okay tharn?"
Tharn darted his eyes to then let types hand to to then get up to move about, type raised an eye brow to then get up to follow to be to the side of him.
"Tharn.... What's going on?"
Tharn stopped to then turn his head to look to type with a long face.
"I was a horrible husband and father."
Types eyes widened to then grab tharns hand to lead him away from where there kids could hear, going a bit away type let go of his hand to turn to fully eye him.
"You were not!"
Tharn looked down.
"I wanted you to kill our boys, there were so many times when you were pregnant I...."
Type stepped to tharn to place his hands to his face.
"Tharn...... You and I worry about the other, above all else. Well......I would chose our babies first then you, but I'm the mom."
Tharn couldn't help but to smile to move his hands to to place his hands to his wrists for them to eye the other directly.
"Happy you knowledge that. But type, I'm...."
Type placed a hand to tharns mouth to shake his head.
"You are a great father tharn. Our kids probably would have gotten pregnant at 15 if it wasn't for you. How they were in my stomach, them settling down was all on you. Your the one who gets things done and they need that, they need structure, they all wouldn't be here without you."
"Mmm..... They wouldn't be here without you my love."
Type couldn't help but to smile to then take his hands away to then wrap them about.
"These things you hold into need to go away."
Tharn hugged him back.
"The things you still hold on to, you need them to go away."
Type hugged tharn harder.
"You and I are so similar."
Tharn smiled.
"That we are my husband. That we are."

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