Chapter One

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"Soldier number 9865342 report to the Elders Chamber immediately!"

The loud voice boomed through the speakers. I stood up straight, and marched to the Elders Chamber.

As one of many Zurok's soldiers it was my duty so serve our planet in anyway I could. Even so, having to go to the Elders Chamber for the first time made me feel a mixture of excitement and nerves.

There was never any needs for me to go to the chamber before so why am I starting now.

When I arrived I sat down one of the chairs. It really wasn't a chair though. It was more like a rock shaped to look like a chair. I looked around. Having never been in the Elders Chamber I was curious.

It was a dark cave, and rocks acting as tables and chairs. I'd heard rumours about this place; the only time anyone came here was before they were executed.

I mentally went over everything I'd done lately that could get me in trouble, but everything I've done wasn't bad enough to get me executed.

Soon the Zurok's Chief Elder walked through the door bringing me back to reality, and away from the thoughts of my pending death. I quickly stood up to salut. "Hello Elder Ashton!" I said.

He sat down on the rock on the other side of the table. "At ease solider." I quietly sat down.

"You must be wondering why you're here." I nodded, silently praying for the best.

A little bit about Elder Ashton. He was born different from the others on our planet. He's the oldest, and wisest Zurokian on planet.

He holds all of the planets knowledge. Of the present, of the past and of the future. If there's something you need to know he's the one to ask. He was also granted the power to be able to stay young forever. Even though he's well over a thousand years old, he looks like he's still in his twenties. 

Aside from the powers his looks are different from the Zurokians. Every alien on Zurok has bright green hair, but his is the colour of sand. He always wore an ugly purple robe but if I ever said that out loud I would have my head chopped off, and I would not look good without a head.

Him and his wife Kaitlyn rule the planet together, and no one dares to defy their rules. Everyone knows that I you do defy them you'll get your head cut off. It's kinda the way we deal with our problems here.

"Before you ask, you're not in trouble." I suddenly let out the breathe I didn't know I had been holding in.

"You've been doing a great job. But I need you help me with something." He explained. "I need a brave solider that I know I can trust. Can I trust you Michael?"

"Of course you can trust me sir." I stated confidently.

"I have a very important job for you. I need you to go earth.

"Earth?" I asked in amazement.

"Yes Earth, It's a beautiful planet in the Milky Way Galaxy filled with many hideous creatures called humans." He explained even though I knew exactly what Earth was.

We had learned all about the planets in school. How could he forget the curriculum he created himself.

"I need you too go to earth, and bring me back this specific human." He held out a picture of a girl.

She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Her hair was an odd colour. It was cut short, but it wasn't green it was brown, I'd never seen that before. It was her smile that got me, she had the brightest smile I'd ever seen.

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