Chapter Seven

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About a week later we were all sitting in Melody's living room contemplating what we were going to do that afternoon.

Melody actually decided to take my advice, and talk to Cal. They were able to work things out, and now for the past few days it was just the four of us hanging out without Kat and Giselle.

Though when they did come around I noticed a change. Like Calum and Giselle weren't aggressively making out in front of us anymore. Which means my prayers have been answered.

Not only that, but everyone seems to be getting along a lot more. It was great being out of that awkward stage of friendship.

"I'm bored." Melody said for the millionth time.

"Go read a book or something." Luke rolled his eyes clearly getting tired of her complaining.

"No that's lame." She complained even more.

"Books are great shut up." Kat said defending her precious love of books.

"Ok that's cool, but I want to do something that's actually fun."

"Why don't we play spin the bottle?" Giselle suggested with a devious look on her face.

We all looked at each other questionably. "This isn't seventh grade." Melody  scoffed.

We all laughed in agreement causing Giselles grin faltered. She crossed her arms. "Do any you have a better idea?"

"I do actually." Kat spoke up. "Not that it appeals to me, but there's a party at the beach tonight. They have one every year. There's supposed to be a hug bonfire, music and drinks. We can all enjoy at least one of these things."

"That doesn't sound very legal." Luke cringed.

"oh believe me it's not."

Luke wasn't looking to thrilled after hearing that answer.

Cal shot from his seat. "In that case I'm definitely in."

Once Calum was in so were the rest of us. We piled into his car, and he drove us to the beach where the party going to be at.

The sun had just set, so you could practically see the fire from a mile away. Kat was right the bonfire was huge. I'm surprised someone hadn't called the cops to shut it down by now

Once the car was parked and we hopped out we were immediately greeted by people offering us beers, and vodka coolers.

I looked around to see what we were dealing with. There was someone doing a keg stand on one side of the beach, a bunch of people in the water, and there was a shadow of a couple in the distance, and I was pretty sure they were having sex on the beach.

It was insane.

Surprisingly we managed to stay together as a group for longer than two minutes so this party was already a win.

There was a guy dancing around with a boom box on his shoulder, and Calum and Giselle were swaying to the music coming from it already looking pretty drunk.

How they managed to get drunk already is beyond me.

Melody walked up to the flames pouring her drink in it. Making it flare up a bit more.

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