Chapter Twenty Six

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¡Please read the authors note!

The beginning part of the ride was pretty quiet. Much like the previous two but the only difference was the person I was with this time wasn't unconscious.

Although there was that brief moment were Melody did talk to me but that ended once I'd finally stopped crying.

Though just because I'd stopped crying doesn't mean I stopped feeling the emotions that came with witnessing my parents death. The picture of them sitting there slumped over with blood pouring out of there heads would haunt me forever.

The whole situation with my parents just kept getting worse if you think about it.

First they turn on their own son, then just so I don't get turned in I have to practically beat them off leaving them in a heap of pain and then they get killed.

Thinking about it all I was just mixture of sadness, anger and disbelief.

This would go down as one of the worst days ever. Usually if I was having a bad day I would just stay in my room until I felt better.

But that wasn't an option right now considering I'm in the middle of an intergalactic war.

"How long is the flight back home?"

I lifted my head from where it was resting on my hands and looked at Melody. It was surprising that she was actually talking to me.

Before I answered her, I couldn't help but look at the scar on her cheek from when she was tortured.

"Um.. It's a three day long trip." I spoke but my own voice sounded foreign to me. It was one of the side affects of crying.

Her eyes widened at my answer. "Are you serious! I have to spend three days in this rust bucket with you and no entertainment." She complained

You'd think that the ship would be a vacation after being locked up in a cell but I guess that wasn't he case.

"Maybe if you hadn't smashed the screen we could get some Netflix up in here." She stands and plops down in one of the seats closer to the control panel.

"It's not my f-fault. I w-was angry." I stutter in a hushed voice.

She swivels the seat to face me, "I never said it was, I'm only saying I wish there was Netflix in this thing."

Her eyes gazed over the control panel. Glancing at all the buttons and levers. She clicks one of the buttons and a loud siren starts blaring through out the ship.

I covered my ears, "What did you do!" I shout over the noise.

"What the hell do you think! I clicked a button and now there's a siren going off!" Mel shouted back at me.

I couldn't hear what she said next but I'm pretty sure I saw her mouth the word 'dumbass'.

"Turn it off!" I yell again.

"Don't you think if I knew how I would've done it already!" She rolls her eyes at me.

She starts aggressively pressing the button that started the noise.

"This is hurting my ears!" I complain.

She turned to face me again. "Really? Because this is music to my ears!"

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