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^If you want to listen to 'thnks fr th mmrs' I put the video up there.

Three days later

I stared at my reflection in the mirror but still I couldn't recognize the person standing before me. There were bags under my eyes from lack of sleep and my face looked slimmer than I'd remembered.

The nightmares have been taking a toll on me. Every night a new scenario torments me reminding me of all the suffering I'd went through.

Some times it was Calum. Other times Ashton. Then on rare occasions my parents or Matt. It seemed like the dead were haunting my dreams.

Today was Calums funeral.

Just the day before Liz had taken Luke and me shopping for something to wear. I hated every moment of it.

The thing settling about these funeral clothes were that they were black and Liz didn't yell at me too much for cutting the sleeves off my button up.

Luke walked into my room wearing a shirt identical to mine only his sleeves were intact.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

We drove  to the cemetery in silence. It seems like all these drives are filled with silence but today there was definitely nothing anyone could say to lighten the mood.

By the time we got there everyone was already their including the priest and he was starting the ceremony. We took our seats in the second row, right behind Melody's family. She was sitting beside an older girl who looked a lot like Calum. I assumed that was their older sister Mali.

"We're gathered here today to honour the life and death of Calum Thomas Hood. Who was so tragically taken too early from this world, but what's our loss is heavens gain."

The priest went on with the ceremony and then he said. "Now I call upon Calums beloved sister Melody to say a speech in his honour."

She stepped up to podium. "It's been a rough three days for me. Trying to grasp that Calum is actually gone, crying my eyes and being tasked with writing this speech. I had no idea what I could possible say that would sum up how I feel but this isn't about me. So instead I'll tell a happy story about the day I met Calum.

It was the day I got adopted. My mom had left Calum in the little encaged playground with me so we could get to know each other. He didn't say anything and I remember thinking he was really weird especially with his ugly little hair cut." She stopped for second to laugh.

"He agreed to play with me and we had so much fun. When mom came out and told Calum I was going to be his new sister he got all excited. It took him a while until he actually started to fully open up to me and talk but that's my first memory of Calum.

Melody paused for a moment. "I'm going to have to cut this speech short and I know you were all expecting me to come up here and say some sad speech about how Calum was cheated out of a long fulfilling life, but that's not what I'm up here to do. I mean yes in a way I do feel that he was cheated out of a long fulfilling life, but if I know Calum the way I do he wouldn't want everyone crying because he's gone.

Instead he'd want us to be celebrating the life he did live instead of mourning the life he didn't life. And that my friends is exactly what I'm here to do. "

She picked up the boom box strategically placed next to the podium and pressed the play button. A song I didn't recognize started playing. "Calum always told me he wanted 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' playing at his funeral because it seemed like an appropriate song to reminds us to think of the good times. He also said he wanted one more thing.  Kat, Giselle, hit it.'

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