Chapter Fifteen

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Luke's POV

I couldn't get her out of my head. Ever since that small little kiss on the beach Giselle was a constant thought in my mind.

I'd spent all night lying awake just staring at the ceiling in my bedroom thinking about our day at the beach. The sandcastle building, the kiss and just how beautiful she looked.

It was as I lay in my bedroom awake all night that I realized one very important thing.

I really liked Giselle.

It was the little things about her that got to me. She was shorter than me, so when I held her her head fit perfectly in the crook of my neck. Just everything about her made me so happy.

I also realized another thing. That at three am you come up with some crazy thoughts. The sleep deprivation easily gets to you. Like one minute you're thinking about a girl you're really into, but then suddenly you start to wonder what a polar bear would look like in a hula skirt.

You go from having really deep, and emotional thoughts to crazy thoughts that make no sense.

Among these thoughts were weird ideas, and some pretty good ones. Sure you have to push through all the craziness to get to them, but they were there. That's exactly how I came up with the perfect date for me and Giselle.

After staying up till four in the morning alone with my thoughts I eventually fell asleep. Actually it was more like I passed out from exhaustion, but that's not important.

I dreamed about the plan I had just come up with to take Giselle on a date. It went perfectly except for the part where a polar bear showed up in a hula skirt.

I woke up four hours after I had fallen asleep. Which was pretty crazy to me considering I was use to sleeping until ten in the morning.

There was too much on my mind for me to sleep in that late, and I found no point in just lying in bed staring at the ceiling an longer because frankly I was getting sick of staring at the white ceiling. While I was awake that night I considered putting a picture of Giselle up there, but that seemed kind of creepy so I decided against it.

I quickly got dressed, crept out into the hallway and down the stairs. My mom was the only one awake right now. She was just standing by the kitchen counter sipping coffee in her pink robe.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked. Her sentence was muffled, but her raspy morning voice.

I shrugged as I opened up the fridge, and grabbed the carton of milk. "I don't know I guess I just have a lot on my mind." I tipped my head back as I drank straight from the carton. I noticed she was giving me a disapproving look.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Luke we have this new thing that we use when we want to drink. They're called cups." She deadpanned. I shook my head, and sighed as I put the carton back in the fridge. "No one wants to taste your back wash Luke."

I groaned loudly. She did have a point but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing she was right.

I began to make my way out of the kitchen, "Where do you think you're going?" My mom pestered making me turn back around to face her again.

"Uh I think I'm going over to Giselle's house." She shook her head, and picked up a muffin from the counter.

"Okay fine go, but at least take a muffin for breakfast." I smiled taking the muffin from her hand. Mom has always been a breakfast freak always making sure we eat the most important meal of the day.

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