Chapter Two

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The flight to earth was incredibly long. Four light years to be exact, and in earth measurements that's about 24 trillion miles.

24 trillion miles of doing absolutely nothing. I nearly died of boredom. There was nothing really to do in a ship the size of sardine can.

When I wasn't sleeping I was usually staring out the window, or staring at the ceiling questioning my life choices. Let's be honest thought it was mostly the second one.

The ship landed while I was asleep. Let me start off by saying that the ships autopilot is absolute crap.

It doesn't help that the ship was so small that I could feel any bump the ship hit.

It wasn't like those offensive stereotype UFO's that just delicately land in the middle of a corn field, no. It was a crash landing, into a pond!

I couldn't have asked for a more rude awakening.

I panicked for a while before actually taking action, and trying to get myself out of the sinking ship.

Eventually, I got out. I was soaking wet, and the ship was at the bottom of the pond, but I got out.

I used my telekinesis band to get the ship out the pond, then I hid it in some really tall grass that looks like it wasn't getting cut anytime soon.

Well it's not like people go around mowing grass by a pond. Unless it's different on earth, but by the looks of it it's the same.

After the whole deal with the ship I realized I didn't even know where I was. I groaned, and ran back into the tall grass so I could get my luggage.

The stupid thing wasn't even hovering when I found it. Stupid technology always screwing me over.

I rummaged through it for a bit until I found my tablet. Clicking on the tracker app I was determined to figure out where I was. Though I've never needed to use my tracker app before so it took me a bit to figure out.

The app was able to tell me exactly where I was, and exactly how far away the human I'm trying to find is.

I was apparently in some place called Sydney, Australia, and fortunately for me the human lived only a short walk away from this pond.

I picked up my luggage, and frowned at the thought of having to carry it all the way there.

It was a beautiful night to go for a walk, so I guess that's one good thing that came out of this experience.

I was really confused though because at that time of night everyone on Zurok would be out doing their daily thing. Here there was no one to be scene.

I checked my app twice on the walk there just to make sure it hasn't malfunctioned, and I actually landed on a deserted planet.

Soon enough, I was standing outside the door of the human's living quarters.

Not wanting to be rude I knocked. I waited but no one answered. I drowned, and knocked again. Still no answer.

Being curious, I walked around the side of the quarters, and peered into the windows.

There were a few rooms that had humans inside but they were all asleep. Then it hit me. How could I forget that humans sleep at night instead of during the day.

Extraterrestrial// mgc.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora