Chapter Twenty Five

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Kaitlyn was angry.

She wasn't the type to get angry a lot but when she was really angry it was usually about Ashton. Now was definitely one of those times.

"Shit we got to go." I choked. Grabbing Melody by the hand I pulled her out of the room. She yanked her hand from my grip.

"Don't touch me!" she growled. A pang of hurt stung my chest but I continued running.

Once we got out of the winding maze that is the Elders Chamber, we were met with a huge lightning storm.

"Kaitlyn's rage." I mumbled to myself while staring at the horror unfold before us.

"What did you just say?" Melody nudged me.

"I said 'Kaitlyn's rage.'" I clarified.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"Kaitlyn isn't the type of person to get angry a lot but when she does it's because of something really important. She has power over the weather and when she get mad, giant weather storms happen. There's only been one other one that happened a few years ago because she thought Ashton had been killed in a battle on another planet."

She stared at me with an open mouth.

"We don't have time to stand here we got to go!" I shouted noticing the wind was staring to pick up as well.

There was only one safe place here on Zurok. I needed to get to my house, there my parents would be able to protect us.

We began running in the direction of my house. It kept getting harder and harder as the wind began to pick up.

Melody was running beside me, I looked up and noticed a particularly angry looking cloud. It was going to strike any second.

"Mel watch out!" I shouted, shoving her out of the way. The second after I pushed her out of the way the lightning hit the ground right in between us.

She stared back at the now blackened ground behind us, "Holy shit this is insane!"

I nodded in agreement, "We're almost there."

The wind was blowing at an extreme rate. We stopped for a split second to look back. Frankly I wish I didn't.

"You have got to be shitting me." Melody grumbled.

There was a ten foot tornado blowing our way.

"Come on!" I pulled her arm to get her to start running again.

I could feel the tornado getting closer by the second. People, buildings and even some plants were getting sucked up seconds after we passed them.

It was coming down to the line. Do or die, and I wasn't planning on dying any time soon.

The tornado was at our heels. There was no way we were going to make it. Then I realized I could use my super speed power band.

I picked Melody up bridal style and gripped on of the bands in my hand. "What are yo-" She couldn't even finish her sentence because the next thing we knew everything was passing in a fast blur.

Before we knew it we were standing on the front step of my house.

"Okay that was cool." She said as I set her down. I nudged her inside and closed the door shut before the tornado could get any closer.

We each took a moment to catch our breath before I called for my parents.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?" I shouted. Soon my parents came shuffling out of the kitchen. "Honey what are you doing here?" My mom questioned, then she noticed Mel.

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