Chapter Thirteen

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Michael's POV

It's been a day since Luke and Calum became friends again, and you'd think we'd do something fun to celebrate, but that just wasn't the case.

Surprise, surprise we were all sitting on our lazy asses watching a movie at Calum and Melody's house. I could tell that by the way Joy and David glanced over at us that they were getting annoyed with a group of teenagers just sitting in their living room all the time.

"Are all of you just going to sit around my living room doing nothing?" Joy raised an eyebrow at us. We all just shrugged no one really answering. She shook her head, and returned her gaze to the dishes she was washing. "Unbelievable." she muttered under her breath.

"You kids are so lazy." David spoke up this time. "Shouldn't you be out having fun, and partying and what not?"

"I don't like parties." Melody yawned.

"Neither do I." I chimed in.

"I'd rather stay home." Kat shrugged.

"Why go to a party when I have twitter?" Giselle snorted.

"Parties are too loud." Luke cringed.

Calum looked around at us with a confused look on his face. "Am I the only one that actually likes parties?"

"Yes." Melody deadpanned.

Calum glared at us all. "You're all a bunch of hypocrites. We went to two parties like last week. One of those parties was at your house Kat." He looked at the annoyed brunette sitting next to him.

"I only threw that party cause my friend wanted to have a party, but her parents were home and mine weren't. I got in deep shit for that for that so don't even."

Giselle suddenly perked up. "What friend was this?"

Kat rolled her eyes, "I have other friends besides you Giselle. Don't be so clingy." Giselle put her hands up in defense.

"As fun this conversation is... I agree with David I think we should go out, and do something." I said standing pushing Melody's legs off my lap in the process.

"Thank you Michael." He nodded approvingly. "So what are you kids going to do?" Then Joy rejoined the conversation.

"Anywhere is fine with me. I need to get some febreeze because this room smells like teenagers."

Luke started to snicker. "I guess you could say it smells like teen spirit."

Giselle giggles at his stupid joke, and
at the same time me, and Calum both ordered Luke to shut up.

"How about you go to the beach?" David suggested.

"Hey it would be fun to go during the day." I admitted.

"This time we could actually swim." Melody added.

Luke jumped off the couch. "Let's go!"

We all went our separate ways to get ready. I was the last one out and as I walked out I heard Joy shouting. "David! Go find the febreeze!"

Twenty minutes later we were back at Calum's loading our stuff into the back of his Jeep. Kat almost immediately called shot gun which meant the four of us were going to have to squeeze in the back seat which by the was only meant to fit three people.

As we drove away I stared out the window watching as the world flew past. I was going to be totally honest I was actually really excited to go to back to the beach. This time I would be able to enjoy it more.

Extraterrestrial// mgc.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin