Chapter Eighteen

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Three days later

Michael's POV

I was nervously pacing my room, thoughts whirling through my head at an unstoppable rate.

I had gotten myself into a state of mind that caused me to overthinking about something that was worrying me.

I'd planned on bringing Melody to this nice restaurant. It wasn't extremely fancy to the point where I had to wear a suit, but not so casual that we might as well be going to Maccas. It was the perfect in between because I didn't have the suit or the money to be taking her to a five star restaurant.

It was a very important day for me, and if anything went wrong I would be eternally screwed. My anxiety was getting the best of me, and I was not having a good time.

The most dressy thing I could find in Jack's closet was a black studded vest. It didn't seem really fitting for a dinner date, but I decided it would have to do. Though as I was paced the room, and began to check my appearance in the mirror every two minutes I started second guessing myself.

I had never been more nervous in my life. Not even when I applied to be a soldier on Zurok, and risked getting my head chopped off if I didn't meet the requirements.

Luckily I made it through, but I can't say the same for my friend Casey didn't meet the requirements. I miss him but life goes on.

Just as I began to think nothing could possibly make this situation worse, my tablet started beeping, and the words 'Incoming Face Time call from Elder Ashton' flashed on the screen.

That was probably the last thing I needed in that moment.

Slowly sliding my finger across the screen I was already dreading whatever he was going to say to me because I knew it would not be good.

Ashton faced popped on the screen. He was sitting in the Elder's chamber with his hands folded on the desk. "H-Hello sir. How are you?" I stammered.

"Cut the crap Clifford you know exactly why I'm calling." He snapped at me, and I mentally slapped myself for even asking.

"You're running out of time. I don't care that I 'gave you a week'" he said putting air quotes around his sentence. "But I can't wait much longer. You're leaving earth tonight with the girl. No questions asked."

"But sir-" he slammed his fist on the desk, raised from his seat, and narrowed his eyes at me. "Michael, I've been patient with you trying to respect that this is a complicated process, but I've given you more than enough time. If you don't leave today, and get back to Zurok in three days I'm coming to earth and I will find you both and bring you back myself!"

His voice was quickly increasing to a yell. "You do not want that to happen so I'll ask once before I hang up. Do you understand soldier?"

I nodded quickly, "Yes sir!"

Without another word he hung up. I collapsed on top the bed. I rubbing a hand over my face. It was supposed to be a good day for me. I was just going to take Melody out, and have a fun time with her, but it looked as if there was going to be a change in plan.

The call made me feel like I was going to vomit. I couldn't escape the inevitable. I was going to have to carry out the mission at one point, but during the short time I had been on earth I was starting to feel normal. That maybe I could find a better way to live.

I didn't realize what I was missing out on until I left Zurok. I was a stranger in my own body watching life pass me by, but on earth I was actually living. I never wanted that to end. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

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