Chapter Twenty Four

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I needed to save her. That's all I could think about the second he told me his plan

I was so stupid to think that I didn't need her in my life, but I was even stupider to think that she was safe in the hands of Ashton.

Nothing was safe around him except maybe his wife but other than Kaitlyn every one with a heart beat was in danger.

I spent the whole day yesterday with Ashton, him telling me his entire plan on world domination.

That may not have been very smart on his part but what it was certainly beneficial to me.

He was going to start the voice box removal process today, if only he was more specific.

My plan wasn't well thought out and there was high chance at failure but it was all I had to save Melody and whatever happens is going to be worth it.

There was no time to lose so when I woke up I pulled on my uniform jumpsuit combat boots and rushed out the door not bothering to say goodbye to my parents.

It was dark out, the perfect time when all the zurokians would be going about their daily lives. I weaved passed the crowds of people, trying to get to the Elders Chamber as quickly as possible.

Even thought it wasn't that far away it seemed like an endless walk to the chamber.

It's like one of those dreams where you're running to try to run away from something or trying to get to something you see in the distance but no matter how fast you run you end up getting there.

That's exactly how I was feeling but eventually what seemed like an eternity I finally got there. The minute I stepped inside I completely forgot the plan. It was one of the simplest plans ever but I guess it was also really simple to forget.

I looked left and right trying to decide which way to go, I charged down a random hallway hoping it led me in the right direction.

After a few minutes of running, I stopped to take in my surroundings and realize that I was standing right in front of the door of the torture room.

Without thinking I flung the door open. I looked at the walls decorated with countless weapons.

I stepped up to a wall mounted with a rack of stun guns. I picked up a hand sized one shifted it around in my hand.

"Ahem." I turned my gazed toward the sound.

The same man I saw in this room the first time that was... hurting Melody. He was sitting in electric chair with his hand folded, he was looking down at his lap and then he slowly looked up.

If he was trying to put on a menacing demeanor it was definitely working.

"You're not supposed to be here soldier." His said in a taunting voice.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Oh my bad. I'll just take this and be on my way." I took a step toward the door but one of those ninja stars came flying past, millimetres from my face, and pierced the wall to my right with a loud thud.

My eyes widened as my head snapped to get another glimpse of the creepy dude.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you do that Michael." He rose from the chair.

"H-How do you know my name?" I stuttered.

"I'm going to have to ask you to put back the gun and leave"

I shook my head. "No."

In a blink of an eye he lurched forward, knocking the gun out of my hand and tackling me to the ground in the process.

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