Chapter Twelve

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Kat's POV

Operation kiss and make up was in full swing. Yesterday I did my job of explaining the whole plan to Giselle, and getting Mike and Mel on board. They agreed that Luke and Cal were acting like babies, and were annoying the shit out of them as well.

Now today we had to put the plan into action. It was Michael and Giselle's job to somehow work a miracle and get Luke to come over to Cal's house that was going to be the hardest part. Good thing I'm the mastermind of this plan because I would not want to be stuck with that job.

All Mel and I had to do was get Calum to come out of his room. That's a challenge on its own, but it would be much easier than Giselle's job.

Once those two things were done, the rest of the plan would be a breeze.

We all met at Mel's house once everyone arrived I immediately took the leadership role. "Okay guys everyone know the plan right?"

They all nodded. "Good." They just stood there staring at me. I guess they needed a little more direction then I was expecting.

"Don't just stand there! Go!"

It's like they momentarily forgot what they were supposed to do. Thankfully they remembered quickly, and scattered.

Michael and Giselle raced out the door Melody made her way over to me.

"Let's go get Calum?" She asked more then stated.

"Just wait a bit. I have a feeling that it'll take a while for them to get Luke over here."

She nodded and leaned against the wall to wait until the right time.

I had to admit I loved being in power.

Michael's POV

Saying it was going to be hard to convince Luke to come over to Mel's house would be an understatement.

It would be easier to teach a rock to swim then to get Luke to even go near Calum's house.

It did make some sense though. he was probably terrified of getting the shit kicked out of him. Like would you want to go back to the same place where you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter?

"So how are we gonna get him over to there house?" Giselle asked me.

"I have absolutely no idea." That was a complete lying I knew exactly what I was going to do. She just couldn't know about it.

Walking into Luke's room I was hit with the wicked odour of sweat and dirty underwear.

The stench was so bad it almost brought a tear to my eye. It was a miracle that Luke had been living with this for the past few days. Maybe that Fabreeze commercial was right about going nose blind.

No surprise Luke was sprawled across his bed with his face buried deep in his pillow mumbling words that were nowhere near English.

"Hey Luke you wanna go out for a walk or something?" Giselle said calmly almost as if she was speaking to a child.

I wasn't going to be the one to break it to her, but it was going to take more that a walk to get Luke out of bed.

He grumbled a bit before he angrily said "No!"

There was no point in trying to talk him into going this was a job that could only be handled with the help of alien super powers.

I turned to look at Giselle. "Maybe I can talk to him. You know cousin to cousin." She nodded, and silently made her way out the room.

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