Chapter Twenty Two

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I feel like I used that picture before but I'm honestly too lazy to change it not gonna lie.

Melody's POV

Seeing Michael outside the torture room mad me angry. Angrier than I was at the dumb fuck whipping the shit out of my hands.

Never in a million years did I think I could fall for an alien and end up being kidnapped and taken to said aliens planet.But being a hostage was practically hell.

After Michael left the first time I refused to talk, eat, sleep or even move from the one corner of my cell unless I needed to use the bathroom.

I stayed like that for a good majority of the day. A green haired man would come bring a pile of grey gloop which I would assume was food three times a day.

Only once did I try eating it and it turns out these aliens eat food that taste like the bottom of my grandmas foot!

After observing when they came around to bring food and to just check in on me. I found out they sleep during the day.

It didn't really help me to determine what time it was, it just felt like an eternity surrounded by those same four walls.

After what I assume was the first day or night I spent in sulking in the corner of the cell I decided it was time to stand up and stretch my legs.

So I carefully got up to my feet and started pacing around the cell, feeling kind of wobbly from not moving for a whole day but I managed.

After a few minutes of walking I settled down I'm front of then metal bars separating me from the rest of the planet.

By my guess the guard would be 9around to bring me more 'food'. This time when he came I would be ready, because I had a plan.

Minutes later and right on time I heard the jingling of keys coming down the hallway.

Soon the same thin man with a reciting hair line came with a tray of grey stuff. His face resembled the features of a rat with with long point nose and small beady eyes.

He slid the tray through the small opening underneath the bars.

The grey stuff was had steam rising from it just as usual.

I pulled the tray closer to me, and the man scoffed.

"Hm you finally decided to eat something."

I glared at him while slowly picking up a handful of the goop.

"It's about time we don't need you dying in the cell before Elder Ashton can-"

He would have finished his sentence but a steaming hot pile goop hit him right in the face.

He frantically started wiping at his face, "My eyes! They're burning!" He shouted but I paid no attention to him.

With all the force I could muster, I thrusted my fist through the bar in the direction of his groin.

My fist made direct contact and soon he was screaming even louder than before.

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