Chapter Thirty

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Melody's POV

"Holy fucking shit he got shot!" Kat shouted hysterically from Calums side.

We all stood their in shock not sure what to do next.

"Don't just stand there!" Kat screamed. "Someone go call 911."

It took me a second to process her words before I shoved Luke. He snapped out of it and went running for the front door of the gas station building.

Seconds later he came running back out with a Mexican man following close behind him. He had a cell phone already pressed to his ear, when the man saw the scene before him and all the blood her looked as if he were going to pass out, or vomit, or maybe both.

"Pablo please! You gotta help him!" She screamed tears now running down her face.

"Wait! Wait! I call! I call!" He replied, frantically pointing at the phone.

Kat was doing everything she could to help him. Cradling his head in her lap, pressing her hand to the wound to try to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't working.

Calum was barely responsive, he'd gone pale and was sweating like crazy. He looked like he was about to fall asleep but Kat made sure he wasn't going to fall asleep, if that's what even happens when you get shot.

I felt useless.

My brother's life was wasting away before my very eyes and all I could do was stand back at watch.

Minutes after Pablo ended his phone call with 911 the ambulance arrived. They only allowed two of us to go in the ambulance, and we decided it would be best if I went, because I was family, and Kat went, because she was in no mood to be leaving Calum's side. Luke followed behind us with Michael and Giselle in the jeep.

The paramedics strapped a breathing mask on Calum, and began checking his blood pressure. They also started him their stupid routinely questions about his name and the date, even though he was in no shape, physically or mentally, to be answering dumb question at the moment.

It all happened so quickly. It's like I blinked and before I knew it he was on the ground bleeding out.

I must have blinked again because before I knew it we were at the hospital. The paramedics began unloading Calum out of the ambulance and quickly wheeled him into the hospital.

Kat refused to let go of Calums hand as they wheeled him in, but once they reached the sliding doors of the ER the female paramedic turned to her and said

"I'm sorry miss but you're going to have to wait here."

Kat gave her the dirtiest look.

"What do you mean I'm going to have to wait here?"

The woman took a deep breath and then explained, "What I mean is that you can't be in there while they're operating on him, so you have to wait here."

She didn't wait for a response from Kat before she tore their hands apart, and shoved the gurney with Calum on it past the sliding doors.

Kat stood there in shock staring at the spot where the paramedic was two seconds ago. I had to physically move her away from that spot because she wouldn't move even when other patients were being rushed in.

She slid down the nearest wall and sat on the floor hugging her knees to her chest and I sat down with her to keep her company.

Michael, Luke and Giselle rushed in soon after. They looked around frantically before finding us sitting on the floor.

"Is he okay?" Luke asked

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