Chapter Three

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Calum came back to the table looking like a winner. He showed off the slip of paper he had in his hands with the girls number. He raised his eyebrows at us, and brushed off his shoulders like it was nothing.

"Woah. How'd you do it?" Luke asked in amazement.

"I just turned on the charm, and I sure as hell didn't sniff her hair." Calum said with a smirk.

I could practically feel Luke's embarrassment radiating off him.

"Okay I'm feeling awkward, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and you guys can talk about this." Melody said standing up.

She'd made the right decision to escape this conversation, and frankly I was wishing I could do the same.

"Okay guys be honest. Do you think I have a chance with Melody?" Luke asked the minute she was out of ear shot.

We looked at him, then at each other, and frowned.

"Sorry, but you have no chance." I said feeling kind of sorry for him, but then again it was his fault he did sniff her.

"Aw come on guys I don't think I did that bad." Luke replied enthusiastically.

"Luke. You fucking sniffed her hair, you blew it." and there goes Calum being blatantly honest.

We saw Melody making her way back to the table, so that's where the conversation got cut off.

"So tell me about the girl." She said as she sat down.

"Her name's Giselle, and she's totally into me." Calum said with a smug grin.

"Oh by the way Michael, her friend Kat thinks your cute." He said flicking his eyebrows up at me.

I looked over at her she was really pretty, but I needed to focus on the mission.

"Giselle and Calum..." Melody said blankly. She looked like she was thinking of something. "Oh you guys are C-Gizzle! I totally ship that!" She shouted.

"Amazing." Calum rolled his eyes.

"Wait we need to take Michael to our squad hangout!" Melody said excitedly.

"Our squad hangout? Is that what we're calling the-" Luke was cut off by Melody putting a finger to his lips.

"Hush child. We mustn't reveal the secret location of the squad hangout." Luke started blushing.

"Calm down Luke before you sniff me again." 

His smile dropped to a frown. "I'm never going to live that down am I?"

Then Calum said with a laugh. "'I sniffed her hair.' Is going to be written on your grave mate."

Luke sighed deeply, and Melody patted him on the back. "It's all good Luke. I'm sure everyone's wanted to sniff someone else's hair at least once. You're just the only one that actually did it."

We all laughed expect for Luke. Mel decided that it would just be best to leave so I could see the squad hangout.

Melody led us toward this secret place. I didn't know what exactly I expected, but I definitely didn't  expect an old tree house next to a dirty pond.

"Welcome to our squad hangout!" She said giving me jazz hands. I smiled only because she looked so happy to be at this poorly built tree house.

"The three of us built this when we were ten years old. So be careful you might step on a rusty nail or something." We all climbed up into the tree

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