Chapter Twenty Eight

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A while later our hair was dyed, and cut and Giselle actually didn't do too bad of a job. Melody had gotten an undercut, and it dyed a dirty blonde colour. She was reluctant about the colour but it still looked really good on her.

We said our goodbyes to Joy and David, though they refused to say goodbye because we would be seeing them soon enough so they just said see you later.

We took as much stuff as we could in six  duffel bags and hopped into Joys mini van because she insisted that we wouldn't have enough room if we took Calums Jeep and off we went to Melbourne.

Calum was driving and Kat was sitting next to him fiddling with the radio, seeming to get over what he had said earlier. Giselle and Luke were behind them, being all cutesy and sharing headphones. And then there was just Melody and I sitting in the backseat.

She was sitting as far as she possibly could away from me. She was even leaning toward the window looking like if she ever found the opportunity she would jump out the window. "Are you still mad at me?" I whispered.

Melody didn't respond and continued to stare out the window. I poked her arm with my pointer  finger. She took a deep breath then turned to look at me. "What?" She asked clearly exasperated.

"I asked you a question." I said quietly questioning my idea to talk to her.

"No Michael. I'm not mad. I'm everything but mad at this point. I've let go of the fact that you kidnapped me, you've gone through enough losing your family you shouldn't have to worry about me. Besides you did technically save me even from the situation you put me in." She confessed.

It felt like an invisible weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing she wasn't mad at me. "Then can we go back to the way we were before?"

She shook her head sadly. "I don't think we can Michael. There's too much going on right now. I found out that my I'm part alien, my  biological dad that I thought just left my mom was actually killed and I have some alien guy who wants to kill me. My life is just a scene out of a sci-fi fantasy movie right now. Maybe when we're done with all this crap we can think about going back to where we were."

That stung but I couldn't do anything but nod. I couldn't force her feel what she felt for me back before I kidnapped her. Though she said that since I'd lost my parents she didn't want me to worry about her but the thing is I want to not worry about her. It was he only thing that keeps me sane.

If it weren't for Melody I would have lost my mind a long time ago.

"Can we at least try to be friends?"

She nodded without another word she turned back to stare out the window.

"Hey Michael."

My ears perked up at the mention of my name. "Yeah?"

"What was Zurok like?" Calum asked.


"Heh so kind of like school." He smirked.


"C'mon was it really that bad?" Was he seriously asking me this question?

"I was forced to join the army where I would risk my life on a daily basis even if I wasn't off fighting somewhere because the leader of our planet is a pain craving psychopath. We aren't allowed to go to parties, or sing or do pretty much anything that would be considered fun. The only colour we're allowed to wear is beige and we all wear the same clothes. The food we eat is flavourless grey slop and the most exciting thing about us is our hair. So yeah it's worse than school."

The whole car was silent aside from Adele's Hello  that was playing quietly from the radio.

Kat coughed. "How bout we lighten the mood with some different music." She began flipping through the radio stations again and stopped on a station playing music from the 90's. Kat said something about Bon Jovi's living on a prayer so that what I assumed the song was called. The mood of the car instantly changed.

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