Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So what's the plan?" Kat asked excitedly. She seemed to be the most excited about the whole alien thing. Ever since I confessed she'd been asking me non stop questions about space.

"Are they're other species of alien other than you?"

"Have you ever been to Pluto? What's it like there?"

"Do the constellations look just as cool up there as they do down here?"

She was a tad space addicted.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I don't exactly have a plan yet."

"Well that's fucking great."Calum muttered under his breath, this caused Kat to slap him in the arm.

Calum was right though. In desperate times like these there should always be like four backup plan and here I was without a single plan to start with.

I looked around at everyone waiting if anyone had brilliant idea to bring to the table. It was Melody that thought of something first.

"Doesn't that space ship we flew in on have a tracker or something?" She asked. That wasn't really I plan but I brushed it off and nodded. "That means Ashton and his little minions could show up at any moment."

"That means you two got to get out of here." David stated the obvious.

"Where are they going to go?" Joy asked looking as worried as ever.

Anywhere that wasn't Sydney would do fine but since the only city I knew the name of on earth was Sydney, I just waited for someone to throw out an option.

Luke shrugged, "You could drive to Melbourne?" No one was opposed to this idea so it looked we were going to Melbourne. Only one small problem.

"I don't know how to get there, and I can't drive."

Ok maybe two small problems

"Pfft!" Giselle scoffed. "You're not driving to Melbourne. Calum would be glad to drive you."

"I woul- ow! I mean yeah I would." Calum said after being elbowed in the ribs by Giselle.

"We can all go, I'm always up for a road trip." She smiled widely.

Two out of four of them looked excited to be driving to Melbourne. Calum looked annoyed that he got roped into driving us all and Luke was frantic about the whole situation.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to tell Luke's parents? What happens if he shows up here?" Joy spewed out questions like a faucet.

"Mom you need to stay here Dad. Just in case Ashton comes looking for us here." Melody said trying to calm down her mother. "But I have no idea what you could tell Luke's parents because if you try to explain all this alien stuff to them, I feel like Liz would faint and or lose her mind."

Luke nodded knowing very well how his mom would react. I played with the bracelets on my wrist and then I realized.

"I could always hypnotize them."

Everyone looked at me with a look of either confusion or fear. So I explained, "Each one of my bracelets have a different power. Meaning I can use one of them to hypnotize them." I looked at Luke for some kind of approval. He shrugged, seeming unfazed by the thought.

They all wanted to see the hypnotism go do so they all followed closely behind me as I crossed the street over to Luke's house. I rang the doorbell even though it was probably unlocked, just so I could get both of their attention.

Extraterrestrial// mgc.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz