Chapter Four

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Then next day we were doing what we do best. Nothing. Thankfully Giselle wasn't over for her and to suck face. Luke was still kind of traumatized from that experience. He doesn't want to talk about it though.

Melody was sitting next to me on the couch. She flipped around on the couch so her feet were resting on my lap.

"Hey get your feet out of my face." I complained.

"My feet aren't in your face stupid."  She immediately shoved a foot in my face. "Now it's in your face, what are you going to do about it?" She teased.

"Get your nasty feet out of my face." I said shoving her away.

I turned my gaze to Luke. He was lost in thought, and was starting at us. I could tell by the daze he was in, and the faltering smile on his face that he was jealous.

He had nothing to be jealous about if he wanted to have Melody's feet shoved in his face then he could gladly take my place

"What are we going to do today?" Mel asked.

"Well I don't know what your going to do," Calum said as he walked into the room. "but I'm inviting Giselle over."

He sat down next to Luke giving Melody a smug look. It was obvious he was just doing this to get back at her for yesterday.

"Great." She groaned.

The next thing I knew the doorbell rang. Calum ran to get the door and in walked Giselle, and her friend with the blue hair.  "Oh great more people, we might as well make it a party." Mel said loudly.

"This is Kat. Giselle's friend." Calum introduced the other girl. He then introduced us, and said "Great now we're all friends lets hang out."

Everyone was annoyed at him for trying to force friendship on us.

Things were still awkward from my arrival. Add the girl that interrupted our movie with her face sucking. And now this new girl who, I briefly remember Calum saying, thinks I'm cute.

It was destined to be a mess.

As expected Giselle and Calum just continued where they left off yesterday. Melody was annoyed so she got up, and walked out of the room.

Kat sat down next to me. She eyed my shirt, and said "Nice shirt."

I looked down at my shirt, and remembered that I was wearing an All Time Low shirt. While I was listening to Green Day last night I got off track, and started listening to them.

"Thanks. Do you listen to them?" I asked her.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Duh they're only the best band ever. What's your favourite song?"

I thought for a moment trying to remember the name of the song I had listened to. "It's gotta be Weightless."

She nodded in approval. "Mine's Kickin and Screamin even though the beginning scares the shit out of me every time it comes on."

"What do you think ab-"


I was interrupted by Melody clearing her throat. "Hey Mel." I smiled.

Her eyes flickered between me and Kat.
"Come with me I wanna show you something." She grabbed my wrist, and pulled me toward the stairs leaving Kat on the couch alone.

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