Chapter Twenty One

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Did I use this picture already cuz I don't know.

Michael's POV

She was already going crazy from being trapped in that cell.

I thought as I stared at the ceiling through the clear glass of my sleeping pod.

I couldn't quiet my thoughts long enough to fall asleep so here I was. Mind racing with uncontrollable thoughts.

Watching the girl I loved or at least the girl I thought I loved descend into madness before my eyes was nearly heart breaking.... Nearly.

I have to look past this. I need to let her go remove all thoughts of Melody from my life so everything could return to normal... but how could that happen when I look at my world now in a whole new light.

This was my problem. Ever since I brought her back I've been fighting a constant battle with myself.

The Zurokian soldier part of me was telling me to not let my feelings get the best of me.

The half of me that still cares about her is telling me to do something to fix this whole mess.

Maybe I was the mess...

No, I won't allow myself to feel this way. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just following orders.

I can't let this mess of feelings affect me.

I need to be strong.

I need to be brave.

I need to let Melody go.

That's exactly what I plan to do.

After pushing the button from the inside to make the lid of the pod pop open, I stormed over to my still packed suitcase.

I aggressively opened the bag and began rummaging through the contents  inside.

I knew exactly what I was looking for it was just a matter of finding it.

Finally my hand brushed over the cold screen of my tablet.

Going into the photo section I went through every picture I had of her.

Her at the beach.

Her when we were just lying around in my room.

Her eating pizza.

Every last one.



After throwing my tablet to the side, I sighed in relief. That's all I had left of her. I could finally let her go.

I leaned against the wall and just stared at my bad then something caught my eye.

It was The Killers CD.

The one Melody gave me. As a gift. Did I really want to get rid of that? It wouldn't hurt to keep it would it?

I eyed the CD cover, contemplating what I should do with it.

Throw it out.

But it was a gift.

You need to forget about her.

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