Chapter Eleven

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Kat's POV

If anyone could guess where I was, and what I was doing the next day they would probably guess I was at Calum's house. They would be one hundred percent correct.

That lazy ass still refused to get out of bed, and I was kind of getting annoyed with trying to help him. I'm too broke to constantly be paying for mint chocolate chip ice cream, and ketchup chips.

I had spent the last half hour sitting in Calum's stupid desk chair watching him play on his phone. "Are we seriously going to sit here all day doing nothing?" I pestered.

"Well we could be watching movies, but you didn't bring any today." He replied with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes. "You're an asshole. I'm trying to help you feel better, and you're acting really bitchy. So if you don't want me around I will gladly go home where I can finish the book I've been reading."

I began to stand up, but once Calum saw I was serious he got all clingy. "No don't leave! I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I've just been moody lately." He pouted grabbing my hand trying to get me to stay.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you wouldn't feel so moody if you just talked to Luke." I said sitting back down with a huff.

"I thought we've been over this I am never talking to Luke ever again." he groaned.

I thought when guys get into fights they make up like two minutes later, but no Calum and Luke had to completely destroy my expectations.

They were fighting like girls they get into one fight, and suddenly they're sworn enemies.

"All your problems will go away if you just talk to him."


"Talk to him."


I crossed my arms over my chest, "You're impossibly stubborn it's annoying."

He sat up, and raised eyebrow at me. "What about me doesn't annoy you? That's the real question."

I rubbed my chin to make it look like I was thinking. "That's a hard question–"

His playful smile dropped. "And people say I'm the rude one."

"You didn't let me finish. I was going to say that your face doesn't annoy me." I announced.

"You do realize how creepy that sounds right?" He remarked.

"Yeah, but you asked, and I answered." I said with a shrug. "Your face is the least annoying thing about you."

Of course I was over exaggerating. There was a lot of things about Calum that weren't annoying, but there was no way I could ever say those things out loud.

"It's nice to know I at least got one thing going for me, and it's really the only thing that matters."

He had quite the mindset.

Giselle's POV

Luke was a lot of things. He's a great guy, a dork, really cute... But he was really staring to piss me off.

He barely leaves his room, and when he does he just sits around acting all sad. I've tried to make him happy countless times, and it always ends with him making me feel sad instead.

I wanted my smiley dorky Luke back, but apparently that seems to be too much to ask.

Now there I was sitting in the floor in Luke's room. Picking at the fibres of his carpet while he laid in his bed a few feet away. I'd say there picking at his carpet for about twenty minutes, and then out of nowhere he just made this inhuman noise.

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