Chapter Five

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I did not expect my three days of being on earth to be spent this way. Watching tv, and movies can only entertain you for so long. We weren't allowed to watch tv on Zurok so it was entertaining for the first couple of days but now I'm sick of it.

"Okay not to be rude or anything. But we've literally done nothing the past three days, and I was expecting to do something a little more exciting." I told the rest of the group.

"Stop complaining you could freezing your ass off in the Canadian weather right now." Mel retorted.

I didn't know much about Canada but in the middle of summer I don't think it's cold there.

"All I'm saying is I came here so I could experience new things. Not watch sit on a couch, and watch movies all day. I could do that in Canada." I frowned.

"Fine stop bitching." She groaned.

"I'm not bitching." I whined.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Oh my gosh guys shut up. You sound like an old married couple." Calum complained.

"We do not!" We shouted at him at the same time.

He raised an eyebrow at us like we'd just proven his point.

Melody just ignored his look, "We could go to the squad hangout..." She trailed off her sentence. "Actually no we can't Giselle's not a part of our squad."

Giselle perked up "Well can you make me a part of your squad?"

"No. Why would I do that?" Melody said in a bored tone. 

Giselle blinked at her for a bit then sat back in her seat trying to mask the pain of rejection.

"Why don't we go to the park or something." Luke suggested.

We all kind of just gave him a condescending stare.

"Luke, do we look like we're  fucking five years old?" Calum  spat.

He shrugged timidly. "I don't know it was just a suggestion." He looked about as attacked as Giselle.

"We could go to a party." Giselle spoke up again.

"Yeah but what party are we going to go to on a Wednesday?" Luke seemed really annoyed.

Maybe it was because he hated parties or maybe just because we shot down his stupid park idea. I was leaning more towards the second option.

"Do you think I would suggest a party without knowing there was one going on? Kat just texted me saying she's having a party." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's convenient." Luke mumbled.

"Well let's go then!" I jumped up from my seat, excited to go anywhere that wasn't Calum's couch.

Mel sighed "Even though that means I'd have to be around other people I guess I'll go." Everyone else agreed.

After that we all went home for a bit so we could change.

Back on Zurok, we never really had parties. Elder Ashton banned them years ago because he said they were useless and caused to much chaos, but I heard about them and they always sounded like so much fun.

I didn't really know what to wear so I just grabbed a flannel out of Jack's closet, being too lazy to scan it, and switched it out with the cut up band shirt I was wearing.

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