Chapter Seventeen

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Michael's POV

"Who are you talking to?"

My eyes widened as he walked into my room. How on earth was I supposed to explain this to him.

He could have at least knocked, but no he just had to walk in without any notice. I could have been naked for all he knew.

"Um... It's just my dad." I stuttered, trying to make it sound believable. By the look on his face he wasn't buying it.

"Well why did he say, 'Only one of you is coming back alive.'? And who's the other person?"

Luke and his fucking curiosity. Why couldn't he just leave me alone it was bad enough I might be getting my head chopped off real soon, but he was just making it worse.

"Well, when I came here I actually brought my pet goldfish. Mustard. But me being the idiot I am forgot that he was sitting in a bag of water in my luggage. So he kind of died."

That was probably the least believable story i could have came up with.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Well why did he sound like he was threatening you?"

He couldn't just accept the fact that my pet goldfish died, and leave me alone to mourn his death.

"No that's crazy why would my dad threaten me?" I scoffed flicking my hand to the side to brush off the comment. "It probably just sounded that way because the connection got cut off. We have terrible internet connection in Canada because of all the snow, and it doesn't help that beavers are always chewing at the power lines."

"Okay..." He nodded, and began slowly backing out of the room. "I'll see you in the morning I guess."

I let out a sigh relief knowing that I could sleep in peace. It took me approximately two seconds to realize that I wouldn't be sleeping peacefully until I brought Melody back to Elder Ashton.

Luke's POV

I didn't believe a single word that Michael had spewed out to me the night before. His story just didn't quite fit together.

Though I didn't really want to focus on Michael when a I could focusing on someone more important, like Giselle.

The date had went perfectly. Everything I dreamt up came true, and it couldn't have gone better.

Even the next morning I was lying in bed smiling at my ceiling like an idiot because I still had that butterfly feeling again.

It was the best feeling knowing that girl you like likes you back.

I've spent my whole life, crushing on Melody from a far and never actually getting anywhere with that. I've never known what it was like to have someone like you back.

Just sitting in class day dreaming about what it would be like to feel like for someone to actually like you or maybe even love you. To me it was just some mythical thing like the nerd only gets the girl in books and movies but no. This was real life. And I actually got the girl. And I want to shout it to the world.

Like have you ever been so in love you wanna shout it from the rooftops? I don't even know if I was in love yet. But it sure felt like it and maybe it was too soon tell but I could tell. I was really falling for Giselle.

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