Chapter Fourteen

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Michael's POV
After the long day at the beach yesterday I slept for what felt like forever. Who new swimming could make you so exhausted.

I woke up to the sound of beeping, and with a notification flashing on my tablet. It was a another Z-mail from my parents.

They asked me how I was doing, how the mission was going, and if it was so hard to type up a Z-mail to them once in a while.

I've kind of been slacking off on the whole mission thing. I didn't even have a plan to get Melody on the ship back to Zurok. I was getting all caught up in how much fun earth was.

They also asked me when I was coming home. The thing was I really didn't want to go home. Earth was so much better compared to Zurok even though my family was light years away.

I typed up a message to send back to them.

Mom and Dad
Sorry I've been really busy with the mission. If I wasn't I would Z-mail you guys everyday. I'm not really sure when I'll be back this whole thing is really unpredictable. I'll see you soon.
Love, Michael

I hit send, and got out of bed to get dressed. Thus I began my daily battle with my skinny jeans.

Even though I was starting to get used to the feeling that my balls were going to explode at any given minute I would probably never get used to how hard it is to get such skinny pants on my legs.

I pulled on a simple black tank top, and with a yawn I walked down the stairs.

When I got there I saw Liz and Andy sitting at the kitchen table. Luke was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Luke?" I asked them.

"He woke up about four hours ago and left to go spend time with Giselle." Andy responded barley looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

Four hours ago? I looked at the clock, and saw that it was twelve o'clock. I didn't realize I'd slept in that late.

"Oh." I said simply not knowing what else to say.

I had planned to go over to Melody and Calums house as usual, but it seemed kind of rude to just walk in, and leave two seconds later.

It was as if Liz read my mind because she waved her hand toward the door, and said "Run along. Go hang out with your friends I know you want to. Just take an apple for breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day."  She smiled holding an apple out toward me.

Technically it was way I late to be having breakfast any other person would be having lunch by now. On the other hand I wasn't going to argue with food so I took the apple, and went on my way.

I opened the door to Mel's house without even knocking. Joy was standing near by completely unfazed that someone had just walked into her house without knocking It was something that happened quite often at her house so I wasn't really surprised that she had gotten used to it by now.

"Hi Michael." She greeted me as I shut the door behind me.

"Hi Joy." I replied waving to her.

Joy was home a lot more often than usual now. This led to conversations between the two of us happen more frequently. So now talking to her was a lot less awkward.

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