Chapter Twenty Three

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Life fucking sucks.

I was always so serious on Zurok because I had stupid expectations to live up to. On earth I could be a normal teenager and have fun. It makes me want to pull my hair and scream 'Fuck the world!' but sadly I can't do that.

The reason I was so grumpy this afternoon was because Elder Ashton called for me to come to Elders Chamber really early. I should still be sleeping but no, I have to do my job.

"Michael, your probably wondering why I called you down here so early."

I nodded slowly, fighting the urge to curl up and go back to sleep right there in the Elders Chamber.

"Well I decided since you've been such a great help, I'm going let you in on my plan for the little girl you brought back."

I gulped, I didn't want to think about Melody. How much pain she was in. How much anger she was showing toward me. I didn't want to think about any of that.

"You see Michael." Ashton spoke snapping me out of my haze. "On Zurok, I have a lot of power. Everyone listens to my every word. I am and always will be the most important person on this planet." He stood up from his seat and started pacing around the room.

"But that's not enough. You can never have enough power and I want more. Correction: I want it all!"

There was some sort of fire that I could see burning in his eyes. The fire fueled by greed and want.

It was terrifying to think that he could gain more power than he already has. Though I could already tell he wasn't going to let anything get in his way of getting all the power in the universe.

"There is only one way I can get all the power. Do you know what that is Michael."

I hesitantly shook my head.

"Universal domination." He said simply.

My eyes widened. Just two simple words put together can have such a huge and dangerous meaning.

"It's the only way to gain all the power I want and more. You're probably wondering how I'm going to do that."

Ashton stood next to me and rubbed his chin, pondering his thoughts.

"I can't just set my army to another planet and declare war. There's always the possibility of failure when it comes to that. Plus I'm a busy man I don't have time to be waiting for wars to be over so I can claim my power."

He leaned in towards me so he was inches away from my face. "Follow me."

Ashton spun around quickly and speed walked down one of the hallways of the elders chamber. I scrambled to my feet and rushed down the hallway to keep up. He stopped in front of a huge metal door.

He placed his hand on a scanner and it immediately opened. The door lead to a science lab, there were lab benches with beakers and test tubes filled with multicolored chemicals. Sharp tools were hanging on the wall waiting for usage, and there was a table in the middle with straps going across the middle.

It was like something you'd see in a Frankenstein movie. The one thing in the room that stood out the most was a ginormous machine standing in the very middle of the room. It resembled a cannon with a control panel attached to the back of it.

Though there seemed to be one piece missing in the machine. On the side there was a small open panel, it was completely empty.

"This is what I like to call the Planet Exploder 2000." the name of the machine doesn't sound too promising.

"See it takes sound frequencies and it multiplies them by two thousand and because of the high frequencies things just explode. I'm missing one thing, I need something to power my machine. A voice box perhaps. But not just any voice box I need the strongest one. That's where the girl comes in to play."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I know Melody was an amazing singer but why did Ashton need her specifically. "Couldn't you have used any humans voice box?" I asked him hoping her wouldn't get angry at me for asking a question.

"It couldn't be any old voice box Michael. It had to be the strongest and the strongest voice box only belongs to one person. Melody." He smirked at me.

Ashton wasn't making any sense and he was acting extremely creepy as well, it's hard to understand what exactly was going on.

"There was a time years ago, where a group of aliens from another planet called Wardon decided it would be a good idea to escape from their planet and go to earth. It was all everyone around could talk about at the time.

All the aliens went there separate ways when they arrived on earth, the Wardon empire were infuriated. They sent out loyal soldiers to 'get rid' of the rogue aliens. It took them a while since they were all located on different parts of the earth." Ashton recalled.

Where was this story going and how does it have to does it have to do with Melody?

"Naturally emotions and hormones kicked in and some of the aliens bred with the humans, but the Wardon soldiers soon got to them and they all just disappeared. Now when a human and an alien interbreed they create a very special baby. There was no real name for this rare breed so we just called them astro children."

He paused for a moment to gather the rest of his thoughts. As he continued with his story I started to put the pieces together.

"Each astro child was born with a gift, which could be any talent a human could have just magnified to great degree. There are three  astro children living on earth that we know of. The first being Channing Tatum gifted with good looks, the second being Lebron James gifted with athletic ability and the final is Melody with the gift of singing."

My eyes widened, "Melody's part alien." I whispered to myself. Her dad was an alien and when he left it was just the soldiers 'getting rid of him. The whole note about him not being ready to be a father must have been put there as a decoy, so people wouldn't wonder where he was.

"Yes she is." Ashton responded to my comment. An evil smile spread across his lips.

"Now all I have to do is remove her voice box and once it's plugged into my machine it will send frequencies out into space and destroy the universe. Then, I'll be the most powerful man in the universe."

He slung an arm around my shoulders and stared up at the horrific death machine. "And you'll be by my side the whole time to witness it all."

I bit my lip nervously, "W-Will Melody live through the voice box removal?" I question, my voice sounding shakier than I intended.

Ashton laughed, "Probably not, now let's go Michael we have lots to do."

He dragged me out the door of the lab and down the hallway.

"I can't believe I was such a jerk." I thought to myself. Melody was in serious danger and I was so selfish. I don't understand how for one second I could even believe that what we had on earth meant absolutely nothing.

Because it meant the world to me.

After what Ashton showed me, I knew I had to keep Melody safe.

A grand rescue was in order and I would get her back to her family one way or another, even if it meant risking my own life in the process.

This update is so late my bad.
This is also really short but I kinda wanted to spread out my chapters a bit.

This is going to be over soon but that's okay you can read my other fanfics after this if you want to :)

Also I changed a bit of chapter six when Mel is telling Michael about her biological parents, just thought I should let you know.

Kat xx

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