Chapter Twenty

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Ashton's words rang through my head. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't wrap my brain around it enough to make sense what he meant.

Maybe I was being nosy but his sentence put me on edge.

What plans was he talking about? I know he needed me to bring Melody here for a reason, but I never actually thought about what the reason could be.

Each new possibility I generated in my mind had an outcome worst then the one before.

I forced the thought to the back of my mind. I needed to get home, I needed to forget about earth, about Melody.

No matter how hard it would be.

This was my home and there was nothing I could do about it

I stepped out into the darkness of night, all the Zurokians were going on with their busy life's.

It felt good to be home but I still found myself missing earth.

As I walked through the streets countless people patted me on the back and congratulated me.

Was it really that big of a deal?

I don't appreciate random strangers coming up to me just to tell me how brave I was or some bullshit like that.

If I was really brave I wouldn't have brought Melody here. I could only imagine what would happen when she woke up from her unconscious state.

I was half way to my living quarters when I spotted one of my non-soldier friends.

When Matt finally saw me he ran over. "There he is!" He shouted while doing our special hand shake.

"How've you been man, whats it like to be a big hero?" He asked staring at me in awe.

Honestly I don't understand what the big deal is. I'm still the same Michael I was when I left for earth a month and a half ago.

"Seriously, I'm not a hero!" I tried explaining to him.

"Okay, you believe whatever you want to believe. But I have awesome news to tell you."

He paused to flip his shaggy green hair out of his eyes.

"I finally got a date with Nova." He raised his eyebrows at me like he was trying to brag.

He's been trying to get a date with this girl for as long as I can remember but she always rejected him because he was too desperate.

Which I'm not going to lie was very true.

"Even better news, her friend Luna has a thing for soldiers." He elbowed me in the ribs.

Matt was annoying. I don't know how I've been able to put up with his shit for  as long as I have.

"You mean creepy Luna Thompson? The girl who eats toe nail clippings and goes around licking gum she finds off the sidewalk?"

Matt shoved me lightly and let out a small chuckle. "Come one man! That was like two years ago."

"Pfft more like two months ago. Sorry but that's not going to happen."

He frowned at me but shrugged afterwards. "I should get going, I still need to see my parents."

He nodded and started walking away. "Later man!"

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, the guy was an idiot but everyone needs friends I guess.

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