Chapter XXXV [Part 1]- Preparation

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Chapter XXXV [Part 1]- Preparation

Animatronic!Bonnie's POV

Everyone had left the building, all the janitors, waitresses, and even the manager himself. I turned my animatronic head left and right and checked if the coast was clear. Afterwards, I gave the signal and the three of us main animatronics turned into our human forms. The overexcited girl, Chica, immediately rushed off to pirate's come in order to greet her beloved, and maybe obsessive, Foxy.

Freddy soon jumped off the stage and slowly headed towards the west hallway, as opposing to the one Chica went in. Right before Freddy had left, I was scanning the female Chicken. The dusty yellow ribbons that clung tightly to the back of her dress were flying in the wind as her blond hair broke the standard feel of sitting on the edge of her shoulders. I wonder how (y/n) would look like in a dress like that.

My face immediately turned a shade of light red as I snapped out the the world of my mind. I jumped off as well and proceeded to sit and take time to contemplate on one of the party tables. It's basically emoting, but more non-sensical. If I would want to see (y/n) in a dress, she would either have to be persuaded or forced to. I don't want to be that pushy.

Maybe, we'll have all of the girls to perform a song number on stage. But it would be unfair, since two of them are already machines that are programmed to sing songs on a daily basis. I guess this is one way to test her talent to the limits.

Click, click, click. A few clicking sounds brought me back to the reality of the world. I got up and went near the main entrance and heard the sounds get louder and louder. If (y/n) would want to open the doors, she would have used the keys she was given before her first night, but this person doesn't seem to have any keys with them. So, is this some intruder? "Who's there?" I asked nervously.

The clicking finally ended with a distorted machine sound and a frustrated sigh. A reply was given, yet in was it a different language. Luckily, we animatronics have our translators. "Chotto matte," said the female outside. I was immediately calmed down and collected after her short, little message.

[Chotto matte means "Wait a minute" or something like that]

One of the doors opened and revealed the teal-haired girl I was expecting. "So, where's your girlfriend?" she asked me. I gave a puzzled look before giving her my response. "Her shift is still an hour later. She won't be here that early." The last response of this short conversation was just a nearly inaudible 'uh-huh'.


"Sorry, I'm late!" declared the (h/c) girl. All of our attention was then turned to her and made her quite uncomfortable. "Great job being an hour late to the party," commented the tealette. After she said so, all of our expressions turned confused. What party? Sure, she was talking about it yesterday, but nine of the others seem to be knowledgeable of this too.

"What party do you speak of, Stella?" asked Mr. Fazbear. She scoffed right before she explained. "Oh come on, we need a victory party." Oh great. But my idea might be great addition to hers.

"I have an idea to add to that," I said, all of a sudden. "You're actually agreeing with her on this?!" yelled the flustered Chica. I nodded and told them. "Maybe you girls could perform all of us 3 song numbers?" Let's see what I got: 1 smirk, 2 shocked faces, 1 proud smile, 1 blushing face. (Y/n) and Chica are shocked, Stellaria's smirking, Foxy's smiling proudly, and Freddy is..... blushing?

A sturdy voice suddenly decided to arrange a plotline. "I'll go second if you will!" Soon, a rather shaky voice stated her position, "I-i'm going las-st!" Save the best for last, eh (y/n)? "Aye, that's leaves te' Chic' first," said Foxy while bringing the blond closer to his side. "Oh hell no!"

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