Chapter XLI- A Solution

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(Y/n)'s POV

Today's a Friday, it's supposed to be happy, right?

I sat on my chair and rolled around for a bit. Bonnie couldn't be with us because his system had faltered while performing a while ago, so that leaves me with the other four. Currently, three of them are busy, which leaves me with the bear.

The atmosphere gets quite awkward as Stella ordered him to keep an eye on me while he isn't even looking at me. His body shakes and trembles as he truns to look at me. Those cerulean irises, although clouded with fear, captivated me in a trance. His dress shoes clicked against the glossy, tile floor while he approaches me with the most obvious hesitation.

I opened my mouth to say something, something I've been meaning to ask. "Is everything alright, Freddy?" The response I received was only a bit of trembling before he actually formulated words. "(Y/n), I'm sorry for my actions. I am not in the best condition at the moment."

First Bonnie, now him?! What is up with this night? Worry filled me up.  Instead of having Stella to care for him in moments like these, I am the one going to be friendly enough to deal with this. What is she so busy lollygaging about?

"What's wrong, Freddy? You can tell me," I said while getting up to comfort him. The look on his face seemed to be very needy and is currently trying to hold something back. Tears, maybe? But before I could hear his answer, my entire face felt warm, especially on the lips. My eyes grew wide, but my body wouldn't move. The strange lacking feeling had disappeared along with the current worry that flooded my mind earlier.

We were both pouring everything into this mistaken, forbidden kiss. Things slowly escalated as I closed my eyes and kissed him in return. Our lips moved in perfect synchronization while his gentle hands ran through my hair, slowly messing it up on the process. We had no care about our environment and surroundings and focused everything on the sin we were doing.

We pulled away a few times for air, but just resumed over and over. I was happy that the others were quite busy, it leaves me all the time I want here inside office. A few worrying thoughts crossed my mind, causing me to stop on my tracks.

What about Bonnie? What about Stella? Won't they be heartbroken to see us like this?

"What's wrong?" Asked Freddy. I turned to him and spoke of my recent thoughts. "What will happen if the others will see?" His facial expression was stern and reflected that of seriousness. However, a while later, he smiled and whispered a couple of words. "They won't."

Off again with those deeds. The others were still gone and busy lollygaging around the pizzeria. But in the midst of kissing, something unexpected happened. An innocent sounding voice ruined the moment by deciding to say her opinion in the current events.

"I already knew this would happen.....from the beginning," said the android. We halted and turned in her direction only to see her and a fully functioning Bonnie the bunny beside her. Tears were falling from crimson eyes while only an annoyed grunt escaped the other. "Another traitor boy to add to my list."

Freddy went to hug the twintailed girl, but was held back by the sonic screwdriver's strong, powerful effect. "(Y/n), why?" Asked the bunny. I felt nothing. I felt numb. I couldn't give back an answer as his tears fell. Freddy wasn't even getting near Stellaria and this triggered me. That thing won't work on me, right?

I tackled her down to the ground and held her still. Light green eyes widened at the sudden action, at this instance, I realized that she didn't have pupils in her eyes. "Are you insane?! What else do you want from me?" She yelled at my face as she struggled to get out. "Leave us alone, and don't disturb us."

I threw an angry punch at her face making a part of her face rip open. It was a horrifying sight. A metallic robot was inside, but it was also accompanied by a bit of flesh and blood. Some sort of blue liquid was pouring out of the open wound. I nearly gagged at the sight, therefore lowering my defenses. "What are you doing?!" She yelled once again as she pushed me off and ran away.

The three of us froze, and the two other animatronics arrived shortly. They knew nothing, how convenient. Soon, Bonnie decided to leave and follow the other one's lead. What had this night turn into? A high school drama?

Stella's POV

What has she done? My face, the rubber tore apart. I trusted her. My systems are overloading. She's coming..

I was standing right outside the pizzeria when I heard footsteps behind me. Of course, I assumed it was (y/n), terribly wrong accusation. "Stella, what are gonna do now?" Asked Bonnie in a raspy voice. Without facing him, I answered. "Hold yourself together. Someone's coming to our aid. Until Monday, stay alone, she'll arrive by then."

There were more footsteps, but they started to get distant. I'm alone once again. I felt myself getting fuzzy and very, very powerful. Surprisingly, I found myself getting teleported to the rooftop. When will the help arrive?


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