EPISODE 2:To The Future, Saving Cimorelli

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Dani Cimorelli as herself / Ember
Amy Cimorelli as herself / Aqua

Dani & Amy:Hi, we're Dani & Amy Cimorelli. Welcome to another episode of The Adventures Of Dani & Amy. This episode, is not present day. We've just time traveled to 10 years in the future. We're still 20 and 15 respectively. But what we were about to see, we did not expect. However, there is a small back-story so read on to find out.

So Lauren did Made In America on the piano. Alright, now let our adventures begin. Lauren, Lisa, Katherine and Christina were not home right now. Perfect time to talk to Amy. I go into her room.
When Dani walked in, I was excited to see her. Don't get any crazy ideas, we're sisters. I was one of the original band members and Dani joined in 2010 as you know. What you don't know is back then before she was a member.
*FLASHBACK TO 2009:Dani pouting*
Dani:Why did you have to relive that moment Amy?
Amy:I stand by what I said. I would have let you in back then.
Dani:Look, I'm 14 and I am not the best at handling flashbacks OK? *starts to strum guitar*
Amy:I'm 19 and our birthdays are coming up. I think we are free to handle them *starts to strum guitar*
Dani:Think we could be a songwriting duo?
Amy:Yeah, I can see it.
Dani:Well, let's--
*she's cut off by a hologram*
Dani:What is this!?
Amy:Who are you!?
Hologram:Agent Danielle, Agent Amy. Come to HQ, now.
Hologram:I'll explain.
Dani & Amy:OK....
Dani:I write a note letting our sisters we've been called to HQ. I have no idea what it means.
Amy:What is going on here? We're trying to practice for our tour and this happens. Then again, it could be worse.

Dani:I have no idea why that hologram just showed up out of nowhere.
Amy:Now I am skeptical. But, he must be here for a reason.
Dani:I think I know. Remember when we were watching Sailor Moon? Amy [Mercury] had this radar vision thing where she could get readings?
Dani:I found out last night I had these same powers. Check out my radar and visor.
Amy:Amazing. Now that you mention it, I have this. It's my swordsman skills. I picked them up from Kerrie James.
Amy:When were in Europe for the tour, she loved your solo in Before October's Gone so much, she wanted to come visit us. I talked to her and--
*moments later*
Amy:She's a secret agent.
Dani:That explains why the hologram was here.
Amy:We hurried and found the HQ. It was the beach from our Believe It video!

Dani:Why is an HQ marked on a hut? This makes no sense. And where you sat in the video playing the guitar, there's a message. It says:'Dear Amy & Dani, Come inside the HQ.'
Amy:Let's hurry.
Amy:We were shocked to find out who was the hologram
Lisa:Hi girls, surprised to see me?
Dani:LISA?! What the hell are you doing here?
Lisa:I disguised my voice to make you think it was someone else. Anyway, you're here. Let's begin.
Amy:Sis, I'm confused.
Lisa:Lauren is waiting for you in the future.
Lisa:Lemme explain. I'm from the future. The Lisa you know in the present is held captive as well as present Lauren, Christina and Katherine. Future Amy and Future Dani are waiting for you too.
Lisa:Present Dani & Amy Cimorelli, we're counting on you. Save your sisters.
Amy:But you're our sister! You're already here!
Lisa:I said I'm from the future! I'm 32.
Amy:That is from the future. OK, let's go.
Lisa:No time to waste. Go! To the portal!
Amy & Dani:Right. Thank you future Lisa.
Lisa:Let's go. *they enter*
Dani:What did we get ourselves into!?
Amy:I don't know. Let's go.

Amy:Lisa here is 32. She's Evanescence's new lead singer. When Amy left, Lisa stepped in. She's been learning bass guitar and throws her screams. Lacey Sturm is also in the band as the other bassist. She divorced her husband Steve and now married for the 2nd time. She married her wife Jordyn Connor. They have 1 kid together in Amber who is 6. Lisa has another daughter Rachelle. [9] Rachelle is actually training in the martial arts and Amber is a mermaid performer who also casts magic

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