EPISODE 14-3:Rivalry, Amy just wants to be loved

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Dani:Danielle here, welcome to The Adventures Of Dani & Amy for Episode 14-3. Tomorrow will be the closing of our first book. We want to thank everyone for being with us on this journey. Don't forget, our band's new cover for Perfect by One Direction is on our Youtube. Unfortunately Amy is not here today because she had tonsillitis. She will be back tomorrow. When we last left off our story, I was just attacked and it might have been her. At least that's what I thought. Then I learned from Lauren that she may be possessed, but I needed answers. Oh boy, I better get to it.

Don't forget we're coming to South America in April, but more on that another time. Let's go.



Dani:It was still late at night and I really needed to know what was going on. So I headed downstairs to the basement. I was thinking Amy might have hurt me, and then Lauren thought she was possessed, but nobody else really knows what's going on here. Am I worried? Of course. I'm still very tight with Lauren, maybe Amy's jealous? I don't know. As I looked around here I saw some chains and other creepy things. Wait, these weren't here before? OK Danielle, don't lose it.


Oh boy, now I'm hearing things. Wait, might it be....no, is it really that Mya Miclolier person? Something is up, I just know it. What if this Mya character really did exist? What if she is Amy's alter ego? OMG, that would be frightening. I then heard another voice and it came from a dark chamber. Wait, since when do we have a chamber in our house? No way was this part of our house when we moved in....something must have happened. The voice was....Amy's?!

'HELP! HELP ME!' The voice of Amy cried.

OMG Amy's trapped. But wait, if she hit me, why is she trapped here? Unless...

'very observant Nicole.'

Nicole? Nobody calls me by my middle name, unless...wait. Mya!?

'Oh you little rat.'

Reveal yourself you FLOP!

'Flop? What's a flop? I am legend.'

Uh, what?

'You'll see' *reveals*

Just as that happened, she revealed herself. It was indeed the so-called Mya Miclolier. She looked so much like Amy.

So now I needed to know what was going on. Before I could strike, Mya said, 'Before you totally go bonkers, I am the darkness in Amy's heart. She doesn't feel loved. What she didn't tell you when she came home is that I was part of her. She was afraid to talk to you.'

'Wait, she doesn't feel loved? WTF are you talking about?' I stammered. 'You are a liar.'

'It's not a lie, it's the truth. I put her in this chamber to shut her up. She wouldn't stop complaining and wanted to cut herself again. Apparently she had been bullied, so I thought enough is enough, and thus I broke free from her and put her in this chamber to suffer. She is so annoying.' she went on. 'Don't believe me? Ask her when she's released. I'm not making this up I promise you.'

Wow, that hit me so hard.

'I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll disappear so you can talk to her. Don't worry, I'll unlock the chamber for you since she is your sister. But I promise you that you won't get anywhere. Farewell Danielle Nicole.'

'WAIT!' I yelled.

'And just for your information, I was the one who hit you. Not Amy. Well, sort of. Before I broke from Amy's body, I made her hit you. She didn't feel loved. Yes I did possess her. OK? And don't get me started on your love for man buns. OK? Bye.'

'FLOP! Get back here.'

Just like that she vanished. So Amy DID hit me, but she didn't at the same time. The chamber door was unlocked and I went in to save her, but I also needed answers. Why did this happen? If I didn't get answers, I would be pissed! Amy was worn out so I would have to chew it out of her in the morning. So guess what I did?

I carried her into my room and tied her up to a chair. When I woke up, I would get my answer. I said I would sleep on the couch but after what happened, I'm not taking any chances. I demanded an answer.

The next morning, Lauren knocked on my door and I asked her to come in. She did and was shocked. 'Dani, what's going on?' Lauren said. I then added, 'Lauren, breathe easy. Amy WAS possessed. A demon was inside her that made her hit me.' 'Right' Lauren stuttered. Amy then woke up and yelled, 'WTF?! WHY AM I TIED UP!? LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!' Needless to say she was pissed. 'LET ME GO!' Amy continued to yell. Lauren tried to calm her down but to no avail. I then told Amy, 'You're tied up for a reason.' Amy was upset. 'You're not getting untied until you tell me what happened!' I yelled. Lauren was lost but understood what was going on. The rest of the family woke up and was left shocked. Lisa fell to the floor, Katherine was steaming and Christina was crying. Lauren reasoned with the older sisters saying, 'Girls, let Dani handle this OK? She knows what she's doing.' I needed to get this resolved. Pray for me.

After 3 hours, Amy finally started talking. I listened closely.

'When I was gone for 4 days, I forgot to tell you some very important details. I was kidnapped again. This evil demon named Mya Miclolier sacrificed herself to live inside my body. That made me lose my drive and focus. It was rough on me. Yes I unfortunately did attack you but Mya made me do it. I take full responsibility for my actions. Please forgive me. I seriously wanted to cut again after doing what I did to you. I am deeply sorry.'

Oh my. I was stunned to hear what happened. So apparently she was forced into attacking me or she would basically be dead. She felt like she was in a no-win situation. Either I get hurt badly or Amy would die. I hate seeing anyone in my family die. With that I quickly untied Amy and hugged her. Now how was she gonna explain this to the rest of the family?

*hours later, all is well*

Amy spoke to me privately.

'Dani, I just want to be loved. I feel lonely.'


'Yeah, please be there for me in need.'

'Of course, that's what the family is here for.'

'No, not just that. Be there for me personally, you and me.'

'Wait, 1-1?'



'Let's do a cover, just us 2.'


So now Amy wants to do a cover but just us 2. No Lauren, Lisa, Katherine or Christina. Why? I don't understand.

Meanwhile, our sisters were in the kitchen eating dinner. Lauren made the food this time around. [She can actually cook? The flop can cook! LOL. Then again she's older than me so....]

Me and Amy got out our guitars and we sang M2M's Don't Say You Love Me. I did Marion's verse and Amy did Marit's. This felt so weird.

Nothing else out of the ordinary after that. I'm just glad Amy is OK now.


Dani:Well, that was wild. Amy just wanted to be loved. Amy got some mean comments on our Hello cover last month. Sort of what I had to go through a while back when I was new to the band. The moral of the story is this: If someone you love is in need of help, make sure you are there to help them in need. Nothing in life ever comes easy. Just remember, you're worth it.

Thank you for watching, be back later for the 1st of a 2-part season finale. Episode 15 on


Hopefully Amy will be back by then. Praying for you Bubbles.

A/N:This Episode was influenced by when Amy received some hate comments on the Hello cover by Adele. There were so many people criticizing her voice on the song. I for one think it's one of her best vocals she's ever done. Some people are just so critical for no reason.

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