EPISODE 13-3:Our Destiny [Damy Story]

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Dani's dialogue in Bold, Amy's dialogue in Italic.

EPISODE 13-3:Damy's Story

As we got off the flight and landed in Manila, we noticed a huge crowd gathered. Oh boy it was madness. This is like going to a Bieber concert.

We saw a wild scene as we left the terminal. The PH CimFam were there screaming and jumping for joy. Many of them were in tears because they finally got to see us. I'm so happy to be doing what I love. We have made the PH CimFam's dreams come true with our mere presence alone.

We went through the crowd and headed to our hotel we would be staying at while at Click Play Fest. We both checked our phones [me and Amy] and noticed we got texts that would change our lives. We went in the bathroom to check.

The mysterious text we both got was something that really shook us. It said. 'After Click Play Fest, you must confront the madman. He is waiting to strike.'

OH MY!!!

I'm frustrated, the madman followed us here to Manila. Why won't he leave us alone? We didn't tell our sisters this yet, we had to focus.

So we went to our sisters. We told them what happened earlier about how crazy the fans were. This one fan her name was Annie, she was so excited to see us. So as we got ready, we looked around for those who would be taking part in this event. This is gonna be a life-changing experience, one way or another.

It was now the day of ClickPlay Fest. We just woke up at 8 AM. This is gonna be so awesome. We got word that it was now dinnertime in our hometown and 4 PM over in Cali, our birthplace. Let's rock and roll. So I talked to Lisa about things and she said, 'Amy, be brave. I know you have gotten some hate comments, but stay strong. Ignore the hate.' Lisa must have checked the comments on our Hello video the other day. Anyway, we were ready to do this. Meet & Greet time! Time to put smiles to our CimFam from the Philippines.

This was amazing. Never have I imagined a day like this. I put a snapchat video the other day about us getting familiar with the culture, and another where me and Lisa were eating cookies with our likeness on them. Wow, they love us that much. Thank you CimFam :) So it was now afternoon here in Manila, but it was very late in our hometown. We'll be home soon girls.

After the M+G we headed to the stage to get ready. ClickPlay Fest is gonna be so amazing. Our lives have already been changed so much thanks to this moment. We got on stage and performed for the crowd, did some special contests, a Q&A session, and some other cool things.

I'm so excited :) So as we got done with the show, we went to bed. We were exhausted. It was morning back home, but it was late here in Manila.

[Dani & Amy:To give you an idea, yas. Manila was an amazing experience. If you get a chance to go to the Philippines, do so. You won't regret it. We had so much fun and we want to come back. CimFam, make this happen. Get us to come back to Manila to play for our PH CimFam again.]

As we finished our time here in Manila, we made our way back home--but first, we had a job to do. Confront the madman who followed us here. That CimFam I mentioned Annie (half blood chill or w/e) told us that the madman would be near the airport. We hurried to confront him before things could get messy. David Choi who was performing at Clickplay Fest urged the fans not to go to the airport yet. Me and Amy arrived at the terminal and we came face to face with NatalieCim's ex. To our shock--

He surrendered. What Dani saw next shocked her. I arrested the madman. Yes, I brought with me some handcuffs and took him to the officers waiting by. The lead officer said, 'Thank you deputy Amy.' and smiled at me. Dani was shocked and boy did I have some explaining to do.

Dani:Explanation please?

Amy:Well, I wanted to take care of that madman once and for all.

Dani:OK but why handcuffs? And why deputy? You have a lot of explaining to do m8.

Amy:I know.

Dani:Spill it.

Amy:My memory is a blur, I'm sorry.


I was not happy. I think it's the memory loss again. I'm very worried about Amy.

Dani was not happy. I was in big trouble. I really did have memory loss again. This is frustrating. I didn't forget the Manila experience, but about the police stuff I lost my memory of. Something is wrong with me. How come I can remember some minor things, but forget things I SHOULD BE REMEMBERING?

We're confused.

As we headed our way home, Amy suddenly remembered what happened. What happened next shook me and my sisters.

OMG. I was a police officer in a past life. Officer Amy Reynolds. Wait, I'm so confused. I needed to know what was going on.

EPILOGUE:Amy would find her answer. Months later. She found out that in a past life her name was Amy Reynolds who lived in Detroit working for the NYPD, who was later gunned down by the most notorious criminal in the world. What if that criminal was that madman?

I wonder.




Dani & Amy:Kids.

Dani:Almost the end of book 1 friends, :(

Amy:Next time we head back to where we left off from episode 5. We conclude that story. How would our daughters aide us in our journey?

Dani:Find out on

Amy:Episode 14 of

Dani & Amy:The adventures of Dani & Amy.



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