EPISODE 9-4:Cimorelli 30th Year Anniversary

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Dani:Hey guys, it's Danielle. Amy went to the bathroom real quick but she said to start the show without her if the time came to it. She's going to the gym to take a fitness trainer class later today. For now we head to our story. So in this episode, me and Amy learn that our daughters have met their idols (albeit in spirit), but what happens next? Stay tuned.



Jessica's POV:Being the 2nd oldest of the Cimorelli 2.0 kids, I was starting to show a more confident look. Knowing that our idols talked to us, it got us rejuvenated for the road ahead.

Kimberly's POV:I was freaked out for real.  Jessica met Katherine, I met Lauren, Stephanie met Christina and Phoebe met Lisa. This had to be like an out of body experience right? Yas.

Stephanie's POV:Being the youngest girl has its great things, but also some shaky things. But I wanted to lead. My sisters already know this and I wanted to show I can lead the group.

Phoebe's POV:I may be oldest but I might have been the most fangirl out of us. I freaking adore Lisa! I love her like nobody else in the world except for my moms and my sisters. Lisa <3

Amy's POV:When our daughters told us they met their idols, we were shocked but proud. When they told us they were watching over me and Danielle, that was curious to me.

Dani's POV:I heard all the rumors, I didn't want to believe it, but it was true. Our daughters saw their idols. Lisa, Katherine, Lauren and Christina, we miss you terribly. Cimorelli forever.

--Later that night, Amy & Dani's lives get thrown for a loop.

So I played my guitar which I've become one of the greatest guitarists in the land. Then to my shock, I heard a voice.




Dani:OMG *Lauren appears*


Dani:You been watching me haven't you?

Lauren:Yas m8. I'm still the same 19 year old before I died.

Dani:That makes you in a weird way my daughter. LOL.

Lauren:W0t m8?! LMAO.

Dani:LOL oh Sugar I love you.

Lauren:Yas. And so do the others.



Dani:Chrissy? Lisa? Kath?

Lauren:Come on down. *the others appear*



Lisa:Dani Spice!

Dani:OMG! But how did you find me? I thought you were all dead?

Lauren:We are, but--

Lisa:We are gonna talk to Amy first. But first, we wanted to know how much we love you. I was only 23, but I know I did my part to help you in any way possible, just like the rest of us.

Katherine:Exactly. I died at only 25, but as Lisa said we all did our part to help you become acclimated with the band. Same with Amy. When we all started out in 2007-2008, we wanted to add you to the initial lineup.

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