EPISODE 14-2:Rivalry

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Dani:OK so now I needed to figure out what was going on. Here I am home alone for the last while or so and this random person calls me. I then heard a knock on the door and it's, some random kid handing me a chicken. Uh, OK what? Then I heard the phone again, it was that same mysterious caller Mya Miclolier from earlier. And then I answer, but she hung up. Now I feel like I'm being haunted. Then another knock. Guess who? Yep I answered and it was....LUKE BRYAN!? OK what's he doing here?

'You OK Dani?' he asked.

'I'm not sure what's going on.' I replied.

'Focus. Pep talk you need, I'm here'

'Luke, you suck at giving pep talks. That's Tim McGraw's specialty'

'I know'

'W0t m8?'

'Anyway, your sisters are likely not gonna be home for a few days, except one. That's all I know.'

'Wait, how do you know this?'

'Just trust me OK?


I love Luke but he has no idea what he's saying to me. So low and behold, another knock. Geez that's 5 times the door has knocked in the last 30 minutes. I can't handle this! Then I answered and OMG....FINALLY SOMEONE I CAN TALK TO! MY SISTER IS HOME!

In walked my sister Amy, OMG was I happy to see her. Luke nodded and said, 'Told you. Take care Damy. Maybe the wedding is coming soon. LOL J/K.' WOT M8!? LMAO! I didn't care, Amy was home. So I hugged my sister, and then she startled me with some news.

'YOU WHAT!?' I screamed.

'I'm temporarily leaving the band. I have some personal business to attend to.' Amy said.

'But we're a family, we can work it out together.'

'Dani, this is a personal matter only I can handle. Stay out of it, trust me. You wouldn't understand.'

'Oh and why?'

'If you knew the ordeal I just went through the last 4 days, you'd know why.'


'Please leave me be Dani.'

'OK :( '

'Love you munchkin. Hehe.'


Nobody calls me munchkin. Ever! If I'm a munchkin, what does that make her? Somehow I was more confused than I already was. And why am I still holding this chicken? I put it in the fridge. You really think I'm gonna eat this whole chicken myself? No way dude. Then I started humming the chicken wing song, don't ask OK? So since it's me right now alone while Amy goes to recharge, I decided to cook this chicken. I watched an episode of Iron Chef America the other day where they went very crazy on dressing a chicken. I saw one guy pour hot sauce, oregano, and even a little cream cheese on it. I'm like, 'Who on earth puts cream cheese and hot sauce together?! That is not bae-worthy.' Some people never cease to amaze me. But then again the show WAS hosted by perennial food savant Alton Brown so there's that. So guess what I did?

I put garlic, basil, parsley, black pepper, lemon and pineapple juice on this baby. After I dressed it I set it in the oven for a few hours. This is gonna take some time to cook.

2 hours later.

This chicken is done, I'm gonna go see if Amy is hungry. So I went upstairs and checked on her. Not a moment later do I hear the door knock again. I answered it first and, OMG IT'S MY SISTERS! They returned home and I told them I made dinner. Dumbfounded, Lauren said, 'Dani you made dinner? All by yourself? OMG how?' I added, 'Lauren, don't question my cooking skills. I'm gonna ask Amy if she wants to eat, she's not in a good mood.'

That caught Christina's attention. 'Let me talk to her, you go make plates for everyone.' she added, and went upstairs. Alright, now let's get the plates ready. Luckily I also made stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce the other day. No this is not Thanksgiving or Christmas, this is just a typical Fall day. Katherine smiled saying, 'Wow, our little tyke is doing big things. Go Dani!' Lisa smiled as well. Lauren still shocked how I was able to make all this saying, 'How exactly did you pull this off?' I said, 'Dude, I am a better cook than you give me credit for.' So we got our dishes ready when I heard a yell upstairs, it definitely caught my attention and I raced up faster than a gazelle with speed shoes. Katherine's jaw dropped and said, 'OMG that was like 20 MPH almost!' Lauren giggled. I heard something break and Christina bolted out of the room fast. Uh oh, sounds like some drama. So I went to check in on Amy and knocked on her door and she said, 'Come in.' OK so I did and asked her if she was hungry. 'I made chicken, potatoes and stuff you normally would have in a holiday dinner.' I said, while Amy then told me, 'Chicken for a holiday dinner? Yas. LOL. OK can you send me a plate up? I don't feel like going down there right now.' 'I understand. I'll be back.' 'OK.'

Amy's still distraught from her ordeal. I wonder what's really bugging her, then all of a sudden she came down and said, 'I'm ready' but with an annoyed look on her face. So we all ate and I told Amy I made all this, except for the part where the random kid gave me this chicken out of nowhere. 'Wow, you made all this? Dinner goals. LOL, but where's the dinner rolls?' Amy said. I giggled and added, 'LOL I thought you didn't like those?' Amy then added with, 'LOL, OK M8. YAS'

My Amy, she is strange. We all enjoyed our meal. We were gonna do a cover today, but we pushed that back to tomorrow. After we ate, we decided to sleep early. I locked the door and we all went up. I decided to sleep on the couch tonight just as a precaution. Amy then added with, 'You are insane Danielle Nicole' Amy called me by my middle name, that made no sense to me. Then I threw in the fact that I heard some weird happenings going on. We all then went to sleep as my sisters headed upstairs. And then this happened.

Amy mumbled, 'I'm envious of Danielle Nicole. She thinks she has it all, but she doesn't. What do I have?'


Late that night at 1 AM I heard a massive thunderstorm going outside. OMG! Thunderstorms like that are creepy! I went back to sleep. Then, tragedy struck.

I was attacked out of nowhere.


I woke up to find out who hit me and, I was absolutely mortified on who hit me. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and saw it was....

AMY!? AMY ATTACKED ME!? I screamed


I alerted my sisters immediately. As I was about to knock on the doors I heard a voice calling me saying, 'Dani, don't do it. Don't let demons get to you.' I knocked on Lauren's first and she knew what I was thinking.

Lauren said to me, 'Something is wrong with Amy. She might be possessed.'


Lauren then continued, 'A demon might have her under his control. I was watching The Exorcist the other day and OMG, it was creepy. There might be a demon inside of Amy we must purge from her.'

Now I'm really scared. I went back downstairs to go back to sleep. Just then I saw a note and this shocked me.

'Dani, you're in big trouble. Come to my parlor. Hehe.'

Something's not right with Amy. I demanded answers.


Dani:I'm scared. Uh, that concludes 14-2. Be back for the conclusion of this scary story. Then on Episode 15 it's the season finale of our adventures. It will be just another typical day in our household, sort of.

All on The Adventures Of Dani & Amy, wherever Ames is.

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