EPISODE 3:Southern Rebel, Beyond Cimorelli, Tragedy?

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Dani Cimorelli as Danielle Cimorelli (then Lewis, then Blake)
Amy Cimorelli as Amy Blake

Dani & Amy:Dani & Amy back for another round. You wanna know what really happened with Southern Rebel? Find out here.
Amy:In this story, I am not a Cimorelli. Danielle is. We're best friends. Remember none of this is true IRL.
Dani:We've been performing together for 5 years [the scene is 2023]

Danielle Nicole Cimorelli [Age:23] *later Danielle Nicole Blake*
Danielle is a singer-songwriter living in Sydney, Australia. She quit Cimorelli for good in 2019 after all sorts of accomplishments. She had released her debut CD Spice It Up and hit #1 on ITunes and the hot 100's #1 spot with Take Me Apart. (Before October's Gone is also on her CD) She is also a mermaid performer named Mermaid Ember. She wears her tail everytime she goes to the water.

Amy Elizabeth Blake [Age:28]
Amy is a singer-songwriter living in Nashville, Tennessee. She left Cimorelli several times, but after having a lot of accomplishments, she decided it was time to quit Cimorelli for good in 2019 thinking there was nothing more to prove. She scored her first #1 album and single ever with Dreams Come True. Danielle convinced Amy to become a mermaid performer too. Her mermaid name is Mermaid Ice. Like Danielle, she wears her tail constantly to the water.

EPISODE 3:Cafe near Grand Ole Opry
Amy:I miss Danielle.
*calls her*
Danielle:G'day mate. [in her Aussie accent]
Danielle:Amy Blake! How you been?
Amy:Great. Nashville is treating me awesomely. Just scored a major opportunity to open for the legendary Carrie Underwood. I am so excited!
Danielle:Congratulations! Well, I got some great news.
Amy:What's that?
Danielle:I'm coming home. I just got married during Spring Break and we're gonna pay Nashville a visit to see you.
Amy:That's amazing. I can't wait for you to come home. I missed you terribly.
Danielle:Amy Blake, thank you for making Nashville a fun place again.
Amy:Totally Danielle. See you then. *I call my cousin Lisa* Hello?
Lisa:Hey. *sad*
Amy:What's wrong?
Lisa:Christina got into a major car accident. She might be dead.
Amy:Oh that's terrible :'( She saved me from that beam so many years ago.
Lisa:I fear there's a 0% chance of revival for her :( my big sister :( dead :( *cries*
Amy:When's the funeral?
Lisa:We don't know, the doctors have to tell us what happens first. *doctor comes in*
Doctor:Bad news Lisa. Your sister is dead. Your fears were right.
*Lisa cries*
Doctor:Your sister fought bravely, but the accident left her crippled and gave her a coma. I'm sorry to say this.
Lisa:I feared *crying* *calls Amy Blake up* Amy...
Lisa:Amy Blake, my sister is dead.
Amy:*cries* *hangs up*
Lisa:I'll call my baby sis. She has to know. *Dani picks up, Lisa tells the news*
Danielle:OMG! I'm coming home immediately. *calls the airline*
Lisa:Dani is on her way, i think the news hit Amy Blake hard. Amy & Dani are so tight, I hope they can handle this.
*hours later, Dani cries throughout*
Danielle:Big sister Christina. You were dead too young at 33. You were just about to go on a national tour and this happens. I hate my life sometimes. [stares at the gravestone, R.I.P. Christina Lynne Cimorelli 1990-2023]
Amy:Danielle Cimorelli. I'm sorry.
Danielle:*cries, hugs Amy* Oh Amy Blake, you are a true friend.
Dani:Now if you're wondering, I have the Aussie accent throughout. But, I do cry a bunch. Losing our big sister hurts.
Amy:Yes Dani. Think a miracle will happen?
Dani:0%. Remember that number. She's sadly dead *in the story*
Amy:I wish there was something I could have done.
Danielle:Nothing more you could have done Amy.
Lisa:It's my fault. I should have kept an eye on her. She just broke her leg last week.
Amy:Stop blaming yourself Lisa Cimorelli.
Lisa:But you're not in this family, you wouldn't know.
Amy:Remember all the times we had?
Lisa:Yes, but you're NOT A CIMORELLI!
Amy:LISA! This is not the time to yell.
Lisa:I'LL YELL IF I WANT TO! *storms out*
Danielle:She seemed pissed.
Amy:Yeah. *cries*
Danielle:NO! *she sees Lauren was murdered*
Amy:OMG! Lauren Cimorelli has been killed? Who would do such a thing?
Danielle:Who knows.
Amy:Come out! *jawdrop* Christina?! But I thought you were dead?!
Christina:Lisa gave you the wrong information. That who died was a clone of me. This is the real me in the flesh.
Danielle:Oh, but what about Lauren?
Christina:I, killed her.
*Dani & Amy bolt*
Christina:Oh wow. They took it hard.
Lauren:....*i faked it* I faked it good didn't I?
Christina:LOL. We probably went overboard.
Lauren:Doesn't matter, Damy is dead to me anyway.
Christina:Well.....I need to talk to Amy Blake. Immediately.
Lauren:But she's not our sister!
Christina:I have to. I'm also gonna fight Lisa.
Lauren:Good luck.
Danielle:The damn nerve of my own sister. Why would she do a thing like this?
Amy:Some leader she ever turned out to be. [In truth, me & Dani LOVE our sister Christina. She would never do anything this evil!]
*2 years later*

Danielle:Well, my 25th birthday is coming up. Amy you better get me something nice.
Amy:Danielle Lewis, I will.
Danielle:Amy Blake, thank you.
[Dani:As you can see, we're no longer Cimorellis. I found out I was not a true Cimorelli last month when God told me the truth]
Amy:Time to reform Southern Rebel. Ready?
Danielle:I'm needed at the pod in Nashville today. We're going to entertain the 8-13 year olds today at the Nashville Aquatic Convention. They say Mermaid Ember is their favorite performer.
Amy:Wow. You've come a long way then.
Danielle:Yeah. And you are approaching the big 30. Nervous?
Amy:Please don't remind me. I got enough stuff to deal with. My wife divorced me.
Danielle:Oh no.
Amy:Caroline told me that she had to divorce me because she was moving to Finland. She was bullied and harassed constantly at work and now, I am single and lonely.
Danielle:Well if..hey, you know? Wanna go out with me?
Amy:Cut the french toast. You want to go out on a date?
Danielle:Yeah. We're not Cimorellis. We're legally allowed to go out together right?
'There you are'
Amy:Oh, hi.
Lauren:Battle Of The Bands today. I'm bringing The Force Of Nature as my band I'm rocking
Amy:Well, good luck.
Lauren:Thanks. I told Christina while you were away what happened. She wants to be alone forever.
Danielle:That's terrible.
Lauren:She lost everything. All her family, gone. The only Cimorellis left are me, Christina [who's dying] and Lisa [who's also dying]
Danielle:So, you're the last healthy Cimorelli?
Lauren:Yeah, I'm last one standing. After all the stuff I've dealt with, I should have been the first to die. That's why I'm cherishing every moment.
Danielle:Cimorelli will never be the same.
Lauren:Yeah, anyway let's go watch me win.
Danielle & Amy:Good luck Lauren. *The Force Of Nature would finish 7th, Lauren was crushed*
*1 week later*
Amy:I had a great time tonight Danielle. Best concert ever was to go see Lauren Cimorelli on stage with nothing but her guitar. She poured it out.
Danielle:I told you. Lauren is a superstar.
Lauren:Thank you for watching my acoustic set. I am really glad you came.
Amy:Happy to help Lauren.
Danielle:Lauren, keep the Cimorelli name alive.
Lauren:I got it Danielle. Sad that you're no longer a Cimorelli, but I will make the name proud.
Danielle & Amy:Thank you. *Lauren leaves*
Danielle:Southern Rebel is back. Right?
Amy:Yes. Let's do it. *SOUTHERN REBEL IS REUNITED, Lauren smiles and gives them applause*
The year is now 2030. Danielle Blake is 30, Amy Blake is 35. They have 3 kids. Lauren is their neighbor, with 8 kids of her own.
Dani:Now before you say anything, we are SISTERS!
Amy:Honey, we should see how Lauren's doing.
Danielle:Yeah, her world tour is going great. Keeping the Cimorelli name alive. I heard she's got 5 new girls joining her.
[The white wall]
I'm Lauren
I'm Caitlin
I'm Jenny
I'm Deborah
I'm Allison
I'm Amy
And we're Cimorelli
Lauren:I'm 31, I can't do this much longer but I have to keep the name alive. Being the oldest in this family, I am looking forward to teaching you what I know. Caitlin is 21 and plays bass, violin and drums, Jenny is 20 and plays guitar, Deborah is 18 and plays the keyboard and tambourine like me, Allison is 17 and plays bass and video edits, Amy is 14 and plays guitar, bass, drums, violin and raps, like me.
Allison:I am so excited.
Amy:Totally cool.
Deborah:This is gonna be fun.
Jenny:I'm looking forward to this.
Caitlin:Let's do this. For Cimorelli.
Lauren:Excellent. Today we're doing a classic that none of us were born when it was released. I'm talking about that epic ballad Scorpions - Wind Of Change [Lauren:I so could rock this on the piano] this is the first time we've done a ballad in a while.
[Lauren:If you're wondering, Cimorelli went into Rock in 2030 for its revival]
Amy:I'm ready.
Deborah:Let's do it.
Allison:I'll set up the camera.
Lauren:Great. Hope Lisa taught you well.
*They sing*
Lauren:Incredible. So proud.
*later, at Lauren's world tour stop*
Lauren:I have an announcement to make. You are looking at the future of girlbands. Cimorelli!
Amy:The name lives on.
Danielle:Cimorelli, it never dies.
*Cimorelli sings their music catalog and more*
Amy:You miss it?
Danielle:No. I have you. I have my guitar. We have our music career. We got all we want.
Danielle:Amy. *kisses*
*Southern Rebel would go on to sell 4,000,000 copies for 'Heartstone' *5 years later*
Danielle:Well Amy, the kids are growing up.
Amy:Oh yes, honey. How much longer we have in us?
Danielle:Whenever we want to stop.
Amy:Schyler wants to be a musician so badly. But also, look over there.
Danielle:Oh yeah, Cimorelli. Those were the days...
Danielle:I love you Amy. *kisses*
*kisses, then Dani realizing it was all a dream, back to present*
Dani:You scared me.
Amy:I am directing the group. You better get your butt down there.
Dani:It's the weekend.
Amy:No excuses.
Dani:You're not mom.
Amy:Christina, Katherine and Lisa are out on errands, I'm the boss.
Dani:OK whatever.
Lauren:Aren't you a little harsh Amy?
Amy:It's my period.
Dani:OK what are we covering again?
Amy:You slept through that meeting.
Lauren:We're doing Will Smith - Wild Wild West.
Dani:*falls back asleep*
Amy:Sorry Dani.
Dani:Where's Christina?

Dani:Strange episode.
Amy:It was all a dream

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