EPISODE 10-1:Dani's challenge

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A/N:This was my idea. I changed it up a little bit so, I hope you like.

Amy:Hey all, this is Amy. I'm about to go to my fitness class. Dani went to order some pizza from Domino's. This story coming up is gonna be another emotional one. The Cimorelli 30th Year Anniversary will be continued in a future episode. OK, let's go.

PS:What happens if Dani has what Amy has? Find out below. This is not IRL of course.


October 1999

Christina's POV:So I'm 9 years old and I'm ready to go to school. When the phone rang I picked it up. I know I shouldn't be picking it up while my parents aren't home, but I did so anyway. There was later news that hit me. It was my mom on the phone.

Mom:Christina, I'm pregnant.

Me:OMG! Congrats mom.

Mom:It's gonna be a girl.

Me:So awesome.

Mom:Just wanted to tell you that. Have fun in school.

Me:I will mom. Love you.

This will be potentially the 6th girl in this family. There's me, Katherine, Lisa, Amy and Lauren. I hurried for the schoolbus and went to my school to start my day.

Katherine's POV:My 9-year old sister was running late. I'm 7 and I was in the 2nd grade. I talked to Christina and scolded her.

Me:You're late missy.

Christina:Sorry, but there's news.

Me:Save it--

Christina:Katherine! Mom's pregnant.

Me:Wait, what?

Christina:Yeah. Tell you more when we get home.

Lisa's POV:I'm just 6 years old and in the 1st grade. My sisters were in school, but I was sick today. Big bro Michael who is around 10-11 years old is keeping an eye on me.

Michael:You rest.


Amy's POV:I'm 4. I'm playing with legos. Yay for legos. Me and my 1-year old sister Lauren were having so much fun. Lauren was born last year and since her birth I spent so much time with her.

Lauren:Yay. Fun.

Me:Cool. Let's play.

Lauren's POV:I'm 1. I am a few years away before I start school like Amy.

School day ends

Christina:So mom's pregnant. This is exciting.

Katherine:Yeah. This is gonna be so cool. We're getting another sister.

Lisa:Mom's pregnant? OMG.

Amy:So cool.


May 2000:Katherine turned 8 recently.

Christina:I am so happy for mom, but she hasn't talked to us lately.

Katherine:Let's leave her be sis.

Amy:Best idea.


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