EPISODE 14-1:Rivalry

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Dani:Hey kids, it's Danielle Nicole Cimorelli the 15 year old red-head wonder with my guitar in hand.

Amy:And I'm Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli the 20 year-old flower crown lover with my guitar in hand too.

Dani:We're welcoming you into our world with our stories where we go all over the place. From normal days and future events

Amy:To personal battles and other weird occurrences.

Dani:We hope you will follow along with us as we tell you more about our background

Amy:And we welcome you all to our new fans of our show.

Dani:We have just 2 episodes left in this book guys, so let's get to this one that holds near and dear to my heart.

Amy:Oi vey.

Dani:W0t m8?

Amy:Just go on. LOL. We hope you like what you see in

Dani & Amy:RIVALRY!

*Dani plays Fall Back on guitar*

*Amy plays Sorry on guitar*

Dani:No guys, the studio version is not out yet, be patient. But enjoy the show.



Amy:W0t m8?

Dani:You're a flop, I'm leaving. LOL J/k.

Amy:Enjoy the show.


Dani & Amy play themselves

Dani:So I got out my guitar and practiced. As I was about to play, I suddenly had a realization that made me lose focus. I looked around and saw that my sister Amy was not home. OK so, where is she? And then I noticed there was a note. Apparently she hasn't been home in 4 days! Now I'm scared. I looked everywhere and noticed that nobody was home at all. Oh great, I'm left home alone. This is not something I want. Apparently the others left...WITHOUT TELLING ME WHERE THEY WENT! WTF? Now I'm angry. Then I got a call and it was from, someone mysterious. They said the name was Mya Miciolier. Wait, I don't know a Mya...? I picked up the phone and answered, 'Hello?' She said, 'It's me.' Oh great, not this again. Then I had an epiphany.



Dani:Short chapter, more to come tomorrow in Pt. 2. Our new cover Perfect on Youtube, I'm gonna go watch it for the 500th time. LOL. Night :)

Amy:See you for 14-2 of

Dani & Amy:The Adventures Of Dani & Amy!

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