EPISODE 8-3:Sisterly Love

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Dani:Note, at the end of this page there will be our re-creation of Starset's epic video Halo.

Amy:If you don't know who they are, they just formed 2 years ago, around the time we released Made In America. Dustin gave us his blessing to shoot this video [A/N:This is a recreation, not available anywhere online, but when I hear this song, I try to imagine Cimorelli recreating the video to the tune of this song]

Dani:You're gonna like what we did with Halo. But for now, the Sisterly Love.

Amy sighs

Dani:Why am I more giddy than she is?

Amy:Just watch and find out.





Dani's POV:So it was Christmas night. Amy played a song on guitar. It was a song she wrote called Memory. This was not a song written by us, only her.

Amy:This song goes to a special girl in my life. I love getting to know you, you are a great person to be around.

That might have been an indirect at me.

2 years later

Me:Lauren, what are the chances of me marrying Amy?



Lauren:Consider this. If you were a grade, you'd be an A+. Yeah!

Me:I know.

Lauren:I can't help you ask Amy to marry you, but I can ask her to do something else.

Me:Like what?

Lauren:Maybe teach you guitar?

Me:Well, it's worth a shot.

A/N:This next scene may or may not be when Dani first started to play guitar. 1st instance I saw Dani playing it was in a 2014 youtube upload.

Me:Can you teach me guitar?

Amy:Sure thing kiddo.



Me:What's yas?

Amy:You'll learn it one day.


Amy:See? You're learning :)



Dani:Yas, that's the origin of me saying Yas. I may or may not have learned guitar from Amy for real, but this was the author's idea.

Amy thinks


I practice guitar.

Me:OMG, this is amazing. I just played my first chord.

Amy:YAS! You're gonna be good at this one day. I just know it.

Me:I'll get to practicing. Thanks for letting me use it. *gives it back*

Amy:So happy for you sis.

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