EPISODE 13-1:My Destiny [Dani's Story]

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Dani:This one is gonna be interesting. I'm Dani

Amy:And I'm Amy

Dani:We're your favorite duo Damy. Our adventures have taken us all over the place, this time things are different.

Amy:You'll see why.


EPISODE 13-1:Dani's Story

It's October 25th, the day of our Ft. Lauderdale show. This was our final stop on our Hearts On Fire tour before Nashville was next on November 7th, then Clickplay Fest 15 days later. I got a call that would really affect me. I was informed Amy was very sick today. So me and my sisters practiced like we always do and we were amped up. I am so ready, but I was worried about Amy. I called up a friend who has various music connections and she redirected me to Stacie Orrico. Why Stacie of all people? So Stacie answered my call and the convo to follow.

'Hey it's Stacie. What's up?'
'Oh hi, can you say a prayer for my sister?'
'Sure thing. Name.'
'I will pray for your sister Amy Cimorelli.'
'Thank you.'
'You're welcome. I love her. I read her story. OMG, all she went through, she is brave.'
'She is a warrior.'
'Yes indeed.'
'What's Yeet?'
'I'll tell you later.'
'OK thanks. Good luck today.'
'Thank you Stacie'

Getting that reassurance from Stacie was just what I needed. So it's now afternoon and we're almost ready to get going. I did some exercises to get ready for the show. I bought a sparring bag to get myself pumped up. Lisa was wondering why I did that. Katherine, Christina and Lauren were confused, but they knew I was fired up to do this. Lauren tweeted, 'Ft. Lauderdale, we're coming for you today to perform to close our tour. Let's do this!' Lisa practiced her boxing techniques and I did some more sparring with the bag. Meanwhile Katherine was reading some of her past poems. Christina made us all breakfast [she almost never does that but yeet]. As for Amy, she was still sick. I actually had a plan in case something bad happened, so I fed Amy some of my homemade medicine. Why? Well, I was bored one day. I'm not telling you what is in the medicine but let's just say it's not your typical medicine. Whatever it is, Amy liked it. She suddenly was feeling better and screamed, 'LET'S GO! St. Petersburg today! YAS!' Uh Amy, today is Ft. Lauderdale. I told her that and she was like, 'What? OMG I FORGOT WE JUST DID ST. PETERSBURG! SEE HOW CONFUSED I AM? LOL' She added, 'Last night I was feeling so woozy that I lost my memory of what happened.' Suddenly I was worried about Amy. She admitted she lost memory of last night. I hope she will be OK for tonight.

5 PM-7 PM

So we did our M+G with our fans. Some of our Florida pals came to say hi to us. They noticed something was off with Amy. They prayed for her and some of them were wearing shirts with her likeness on them. I think it's a good gesture, but that alone might not be enough. Let's see what happens.

As the concert went on nothing out of the ordinary happened. When we wrapped up our concert we announced to our fans that we thanked them so much for being apart of this tour. Afterwards I talked to a few of my friends and also DMed one of my friends about the Nashville show coming up in a couple weeks that tickets were still available. Meanwhile as for Amy, people loved her a lot and wanted to say hi to her after the show. It looked like she was feeling better but I had some concerns. What if the medicine I gave her made her forget today? What if she was just so sick yesterday that she just forgot about it all and will be fine from now on? All I know is, we did amazing tonight.

The next few days were spent just chilling at home [no not at Cedar Rapids, so don't get any ideas], and I worked on some things. I made a few Halloween costumes for my friend and myself. I made my bestie an Alice costume, I did the Queen Of Hearts. [and I looked so good as the queen] Then we had Halloween. It was amazing. Katherine couldn't be with us because she was going up to Pennsylvania. Our intrepid giraffe making it happen.

The Nashville show quickly approached and boy it was wild. It took us a long time to get this show on the road, but it was worth it. I got questions from people like, 'Why did you remove A Lot Like Love from the setlist? And where's That Girl Should Be Me?' We made some changes to our setlist to include Heart Attack and Fight Song. To some it didn't sit well with. Unfortunately, things were a disaster. Soundcheck went bad, M+G was delayed and we struggled to get things resolved. After some technical issues we got everything taken care of. The show went on hours later and we Periscoped some of this concert for our fans. So our concert went on without a hitch afterward and we did not use our in-ears for this. But some of our fans told us it was their best concert experience ever after we sang for everyone. The M+G happened late after the show was over and it was worth the wait. Anytime you can make something happen for your fans, you have a smile on your face. One fan named Wynter was so excited to see us again so we showered her with love. After the show, we headed back home for the night, well to our hotel before we moved back to Nashville.

Time would pass leading up to ClickPlay Fest. I got another phone call and it was from NatalieCim. I don't know how she got my number but I answered and she said, 'Dani, bad news. There is a state of emergency in Paris. Pray for those affected.' So we had just heard that Paris had been hit with a national tragedy. I was in tears. We have plenty of CimFam from France and its surroundings. We're praying they are OK. Also tragedy struck in various parts of the world including Japan and Mexico. What is this world coming to? :'( I was feeling sad about what had happened, but I knew I had a job to do. So I tweeted various prayer tweets to all the nations affected by recent events. They thanked me for that. As for what I do best, I had to focus. All of a sudden, I heard a scream. It was Amy. I sprinted up the stairs and checked on her. To my surprise, Amy was stuck on the bed and couldn't get up. I looked further and noticed that she had been shackled. Wait why would someone come into our house and shackle my sister? Only possible explanation is a ghost or someone teleported in here. I needed answers. I saw a note that said, 'If you unshackle her, you're next to be shackled. I know your every move. Hehe.' Oh great, just what I did NOT need. I ignored the warning, ripped the note up and freed her. Some warning. Pfft. So we left the room and were focused on the road ahead. We announced we were doing an LA show for AwesomenessTV. That's exciting. :) So we left Nashville for a week and began our next step.

It was right there I knew my life would change.

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