EPISODE 9-3:Cimorelli 30th Year Anniversary

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Dani & Amy:We're back with more Damy adventures, let's get right to part 3 of Episode 9. Remember in this story, Amy is 41, Dani is 36, Phoebe is 20, Jessica is 19, Kimberly is 18, Stephanie is 17. [A/N:I got ahead of myself when i said Amy turned 42 and Dani turned 37 in January, not in July]

Episode 9-3:January 2037

Dani:Well Amy, think our girls are feeling blessed?


Dani:We definitely don't have much more in us but we still have to teach Phoebe, Kimberly, Jessica and Stephanie how to handle themselves on stage and more.

Amy:Right, and this week we'll do a livestream chat. Our daughters will get to be apart of this madness.

Meanwhile, the 4 daughters would have a meeting they would never forget.

Phoebe thinking:Well now that I've been in this band for about 10 years I can safely say this is some of the best moments in my life. On top of that, I have gotten so good at video editing, drumming and modeling my life after the great Lisa Michelle Cimorelli. I uploaded a few solo videos of me performing drum solos and even a guitar solo. Granted I didn't get a lot of love at first, but after they watched the Made In America 2.0 song which had about 35M views, my solos got some love and they reached 300K views in a span of a few weeks. I'll take it. I then got a call from someone named 'Idol' on the phone. Weird, but I think I know who this could be. I answer it and it's--um, weird.

'Are you Phoebe Carmen Cimorelli?'


'Good, because here I am happy for you'

Phoebe:Wait. You?

'You know who. I love you'

Phoebe:But your voice isn't familiar to me?

'No but if I showed you something, will it give it away'

Phoebe:I guess.

Phoebe watches a clip of You're Worth It. Video promptly stops as the first verse was about to play..

Phoebe:Wait a minute....LISA?!



Lisa:You figured me out. *hugs Phoebe*

Phoebe:OMG x 10

Lisa:Wow wow wow. You are hyper.

Phoebe:I modeled my life after you.

Lisa:OMG x 15

Phoebe's POV:OMG there she was, in the flesh. Lisa Michelle Cimorelli. Well, not exactly since she died about 20 years ago but hey, I'll take it. What was gonna happen next?

Lisa:So I heard your mothers were planning to go on tour.

Phoebe:Yas. How did you know?

Lisa:I've been watching over my sisters in spirit. That's how.


Lisa:Danielle was always the crazy one and Amy the bubbly one.

Phoebe:I definitely see that *goes to drums* I mean, I could tell immediately that they are quite the characters.

Lisa:Amy once got on my case for reading her entire diary while in her room. I was a troublemaker.

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