EPISODE 13-2:My Destiny [Amy's Story]

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Dani:You just heard my story. Amy will pick it up from here.

EPISODE 13-2:Amy's Story

I had been battling sickness the last few weeks, but after Dani gave me her medicine, I was good as new. I did have that brief memory loss because I was so out of it. But now it's time to focus on LA. We're going to be doing a free concert for AwesomenessTV at LA Live. With my heart on fire, I knew I had to get ready. I also had been dealing with some criticism. So we had recently released our covers for Hello and Sorry. People kept criticizing my vocal in Hello and I got a ton of hate for it. I wanted to be left alone because I was feeling upset. At the same time, I can't just abandon my sisters, so I had to shake it off. We arrived in LA and we got ready for the concert. Next morning we'd book a flight to head for Manila for Clickplay Fest. Just 2 hours before the concert I noticed something grab my leg, it was a chain. I was being dragged backwards and my sisters noticed I was being taken away. They sprinted to get me and Dani lunged forward, freeing me and I was able to breakaway. Dani is my lifesaver. We headed onward and got ready to rock and roll. Dani got a call again from Natalie and she was shocked by what she heard. She said, 'Dani! Be on alert. My ex is a lunatic. He's trying to destroy you and your sisters. He was behind shackling Amy and trying to chain her just now. Praying for you.' OK so Natalie just said that and now I'm scared. We got to the show and did our soundcheck. Let's hope this one doesn't go as bad as our last soundcheck.

It didn't, we did a smooth job. So afterward we did the show. We didn't perform a lot of songs but we shared the stage with some very nice people including our friend Megan Nicole. After the show Megan came up to me and said, 'Amy, I need to speak to you alone.' I nodded and we went to the bathroom. Megan said, 'Amy, be on alert. There is a madman who is trying to destroy you and your sisters.' I told Megan, 'I know, Dani just got a call from her friend Natalie.' Megan added, 'This madman has been arrested 20 times and has broken out of jail 20 times. He will stop at nothing to end Cimorelli. You have to be brave.' I was shocked to hear this from Megan who is usually mild-mannered and happy-go-lucky. When she was serious, you know there was a good reason for it. So after the show we headed for our next flight to Asia. This would be quite the experience. Let's hope this madman doesn't follow us.

Asia was calling us now and we first touched down in Hong Kong. No don't even get me started on Cedar Rapids. Ask Dani. LOL. So we rested up, and booked our next flight to Manila. We'd be here for a few days to take part in ClickPlay Fest. This is gonna be amazing. I can't wait to meet our PH CimFam.

Then I got a text that would change my life forever.

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