EPISODE 15-1:Never Forget Cimorelli

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They say it's hard to forget about the past
But for those who have undergone the journey
They come back stronger than ever before

Dani:Hey I'm Danielle Nicole Cimorelli
Amy:And I'm Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli

Dani & Amy:And we're a part of


Dani:We want to thank you all for following our journey as we conclude the first book of our series.

Amy:We hope you had a great time. Let's get right to it. Episode 15.

Dani:We can't give anything away

Amy:So watch and see what happens

A/N:Keep in mind this is all ideas running through my head. I still own none of the characters

EPISODE 15 START:This story is heated, read at your own risk. There may be some profanity and violent themes alert. It is not recommended for people 13 or younger. This story is a very sad one mostly, so be ready. Get your tissues.

It's like any day in the Cimorelli household. No big deal right? Well, not exactly. The girls had relocated again in 2020 after they needed a fresh start. It was off to Australia they went.

Christina is now 30, Katherine 28, Lisa 27, Amy 25, Lauren 22 and Dani 20. They did not move with their brothers or parents though. It felt as if Cimorelli was running on fumes and needed a break. When they got the OK for the house they would be living at, all systems were a go and got to living in their new house. They opted not to bring studio stuff for now. As leader, Christina felt they needed to make a change. 'We have to do something new, we're worn out. It's time we left the music industry.' When she said that, it shook the group. 'No' Katherine said, but Christina was firm. 'I can't do it anymore. I'm too old for this. I'm 30. I need to settle down. It's time I started a family with Nick. He's flying over to Australia in a couple days and I'm gonna be moving in with him.' Feeling frustrated, Katherine spoke up again. 'Well if you're leaving, we'll continue with the band as a quintet.' Thus Christina & Katherine got into an argument. The others backed off as they went at it. Christina then yelled, 'Well then, I'll just go into the house I'll be living with Nick in if that's what you want.' With that she left. Lauren went after Christina but Katherine said no. 'Let her cool down.' she told the group. 'She's obviously frustrated about something.' With that Lisa went on Youtube and checked on one of their old videos for Made In America they did in 2013. '7 years and we're still getting new comments and many views. Thanks.' But then she saw a comment that irked her. It said, 'Christina is a sorry excuse of a leader. She should retire.' it was from Lauren Jauregui's dad. 'OMG why would he say those hurtful things?' Lisa cried. Then Lauren added, 'LJ's dad doesn't know music.' Further evaluation showed that LJ's dad's comment got 25 likes, in 30 minutes time. 'Oh boy, now what?' as Lisa added. 'Luckily I know how to delete the comment.' Lauren replied. With that she clicked on his comment, clicked his page & blocked him, then deleted the comment subsequently. 'Hate like that is unwarranted. Plus 5H is not as good as they used to be. So why are Harmonizers still hating our videos?' A report then showed that Fifth Harmony was nominated for Artist Of The Year at a local gala. Cimorelli was also up for the same award. Both were up against some stiff competition.

Lauren:When I read that report, we knew we had to beat 5H. If we didn't beat them, we would feel like a failure. Just then, we heard an explosion. I raced to see what it was and I saw


Apparently Christina was hurt badly. I asked if I could carry her home, but she refused. She stammered with 'Why do you want to help someone who wants to retire? I'm done. Leave me alone.' With that she left, and then collapsed again. I can tell she's broken. Then I yelled, 'Lauren Jauregui's dad said you should retire, not us. You're not quitting, not on our watch.' Christina paused, then she picked me up, and put me right back down and we hugged it out. We walked home. She went right to bed. I asked Katherine to make Christina something to eat, but Chrissy said, 'No.' Okay. Out of nowhere Dani said, 'Flop'. You're so random Danielle.

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